Bad News

So i know that i havent pdated becoz i cant post m stoies still woking on that.


and as o can see thee ae lettes missing on m wods. thats the bad news. m keboad is ing and the lettes that i commonl se and that ae missing fom the wods that seem wong is the poof. i cant believe that jst said poof. now even m capslock btton is not woking. and the nmbe zeo is also not woking. so i cant eall make an pdate. m life is a living hell ight now.


Thogh i am ting m best to make an pdate thogh m phone bt then m phone is ing too and so expect that if i fige ot how to post m fics withot eos that it might come ot as shot o had to ead.


dammit to hell i cant even capslock this pat this is annoing oh m god i feel like a dmabass not being able to wite the wods popel  have got to be kidding me.


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We'll be waiting for your story updates author-nim! ^o^
wish your keyboard get fit soon, but well i understand what you typed hahaha
choisooyeon #3
odg idek how i managed to understand
this so easily like i'm stupid tbh and
idk anything other than ing around people's
/coughsKOREANScoughs/ pants yup okay.

but of course i'd be patiently waiting here
like the cool dayum girl i am yup B|
Oh my. R U and Y aren't working. My shift key is loca so I use the onscreen keyboard, which I don't recommend coz you'll be hitting/clicking each letter with your mouse. But I was able to understand this... Hehe
smirking-alice #5
Okay first of all: Oh my :O But I will wait till you can update again- Loyal reader ^u^
And second:
THIS IS THE FUNNIEST POST I EVER READ *laughs while rolling on the floor* Sorry but I just .. Aish~ This made my day, thank you :3

(and I'm sorry but .. that was too good! .. seriously ^o^)