"I will openmy mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things from of old." - PSALM 78:2


Jesus went out and told seceral "picture stories" to the people who gathered aroung him. He used this type of story for much of his teaching.


"A farmer went into his fields to plant seeds.


Some fell on the path, and were eaten by birds!


Some fell into rocky soil, and grew quickly at first, but then dried up in the heat!


Some fell among thorns, and were choked to death.


Some fell into fertile soil, and produced a plentiful harvest!"


---> The seeds must be GOD's words. and the GOOD SOIL must be someone who believes in the word of God.   /Matthew


Nathanael: But rabbi, why do you speak to the people in picture stories?

Jesus: THE SERCRETS OF THE KINGDOM ARE BEING REVEALED TO YOU... But other people are not yet ready for them! Those who have much will be GIVEN more..

and those who have little, well, even what little they have willl ba taken away. It's a tremendous gift from GOD to have eyes that see and ears that hear.


Matthew 13:1-16        Mark 4:1-12       Luke 8:4-10



More parables from God! Please take time to read and understand. MAY GOD BLESS YOU!  




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