i have no hope for this


I think I came to this point of life that I realized I may not meet the
SMTOWN live. Or their the guy's concert or fan meets OR KCON Cause I live all
the way in Norcal and they have meets in LA. kdshksdfdshkdsk
My friend os a INSANE directioner and went to their concert yesterday.
And holy crap they all know her exsistence now otl. She called me,
crying that she won't wash her hands, face and phone cause Liam
touched it HAHAHAHA. Then my other friend went to a Beyonce
concert and well, she got to shake Queen B's hand. She was crying too.
The others are going to Vidcon, Ariana Grande and Raging waters. 
I feel like I haven't accomplished my summer bucket list. v__v
or my goals in life. This depresses me so much. I'M GOING THROUGH A LIFE CRISIS.
idk if im over reacting or not otl


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teaquiIa #1
dats deep TAT
i live in australia, and the only time exo scheduled a visit to sydney was last year;
but that got cancelled ToT
I live in the middle of nowhere where there is no such thing as KPOP here. ; A ;
Yeah that happened with my friend too she shook hands with Justin Bieber and neverwashed her hands until maggots started coming out of her hand