▬▬ ♡ L o v e Happens ┆ Application

Calm your cheese guys, This is all about you!
username: soonyongs
what you want me to call you: Soon
activness on aff: 9
Jung Yuri
Jung Hoseok/J-Hope

 Love knows no bounds

Character name: Jung Yuri

Gender: Female

First Choice Visual: Min Hyosun

Gallery or 5 links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Second choice visual: Hong Younggi

Gallery or 5 links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Style: She loves simple, but cute styles. Oversized tops, shorts, skirts, long-sleeved tops, wedges, hair accesories, necklaces, and flats are things that she loves the most.

Now onto the deets

Personalilty Keywords: Vivid, optimist, sweet, caring, clumsy
Personality: She is very vivid, she has a big dream and very sure about her future. She never hesitates with her actions. She also bright and smiles a lot. She loves to cheers up her friends when they are sad. Always enthusiastic to her dreams. She is quite optimist too, she is always sure that she can do anything she could. 'Never say never' and 'better later than never' are her mottos. She is sweet towards peoples, specially her boyfriend. She loves being cute and cuddly to her boyfriend. She does a lot of aegyos too, but it does not annoys peoples. She is also very caring to her boyfriend. They always act lovey-dovey everytime, everywhere. But she is very clumsy, she often gets minor accidents, but always being helped by her fluffy and cute boyfriend.
What is your major [or two] and why: Teacher and Math. Because she is so smart she loves Math very much since she was a child, and her biggest dream is to be a teacher. Since she knows Maths the most, she decided to be a Math teacher. And she will not change her mind.
Background: Jung Yuri was born in Seoul, Korea, on January 11, 1994. She was born in a wealthy and smart family. Her father, Jason Jung is a great English lecturer in Seoul University, one of the best university in Korea. Her mother, Jung Yukyung is a honest and fair politician, she is being praised being a great young politican. She has a younger twin sister, named Jung Yura. Yuri was born to get natural smartness from her father and mother, but not her younger twin sister. Her younger twin sister is 180 degrees different with her, she is a troublemaker, cold, and not so smart. That is why Yura got more attentions from their parents, and she is not. Her parents are also often busy with their works, she is not that close with her parents nor her younger twin sister. But she is very caring towards them. She got attentions from her boyfriend only, so it is the reason why her and her boyfriend is very fluff and sweet to each other.
`fluffy plushies
`healthy foods and drinks
`her boyfriend
`being cute, sweet, and much fluff with her boyfriend
` her lips when she is nervous
`her grades are very good
`not good in sports
`low tolerance in alcohol
`enjoys playing guitar
`not good with technology
`loves Tom & Jerry
`can sing pretty well
`loves her hair very much
`loves doing housechores
`loves Girls' Generation very much
Now about the family/friends
Mother | 47 years old | politician | 3 | they are not interacting at all, because Mother always comes home late/even not coming home. The usually just talked about school.
Father | 47 years old | English lecturer | 3 | same like Mother.
Younger twin sister | 19 years old | student | 2 | even they are always in the same house at the most time, mostly they did not talk. Yuri often asked her and tried to talk with her, but she did not respond and mostly gave cold stares.


The Love Interest yo!
Plotline: Too Much Fluff for Two
Second choice for plot line and why: Best Friend Forever. Well, because nothing matched at all._. This is the most matched one.
Love Interest: Bangtan Boys' Jung Hoseok/J-Hope
Gallery or 5 pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Back Up Love Interest: Boyfriend's Shim Hyunseong
Lover's Personality: He is just a cutie pie. He loves doing aegyos to her, cheers her up when she is sad, makes funny jokes so she laughs, does a lot hugs, kisses, and other skinships, calls each other with sweet nicknames like 'honey', 'baby', 'sweety', 'yeobo', 'dear', and a lot other sweet things. He takes a good care of her, and loves her very much. Mostly childish, but can be mature at times. Very gentle and romantic to her. Full of suprises. Always protects her and helps her when she almost gets minor accidents.
Lover's Background: His family is quite normal, he was born in a normal family, not so rich nor poor. He has an older sister, and loves her very much, as much as he loves his parents. He is being loved and spoiled by his parents very much. He knows that Yuri does not get much loves since she was a kid by her parents, and that is why he gives so much loves and attentions to her.
The Third party!
Third party's name: Miss A's Bae Suji/Suzy
Gallery or 5 pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Personality: Well, she is perfect; she is pretty, has a cute but weird personality, tall, and quite smart. But she tends to hate lovey dovey and fluff things very much, and Yuri and Hoseok is very lovey dovey to each other. She does not like boys a little and does not have a boyfriend. She is very scary when she is mad, and has a smart ideas to make Yuri and Hoseok broke up. She is a good stalker. But she is sweet and nice too.
How they came into the picture: When Hoseok and Yuri being fluffy in the class very much when break time, she would usually grunt and not watching them, but this time, she cannot take it anymore. She and her classmates already tried to make them broke up, but no use, because they are too in love with each other. But today, when Yuri is not with Hoseok, Suzy told pretty many bad things that she knows about Hoseok and his secrets to Yuri. And she told bad things and secrets about Yuri to Hoseok too, and finally Yuri and Hoseok figting, and broke up.
Personal questions because I'm nosy like that so answer them bro
Why should you get the plot?: Because they are too cute and has a lot of fluff ;~;
Scene requests: Yuri and Hoseok passionate kiss; Hoseok gives cute fluffy plushie to Yuri
Question/Comments: N/A
Are you fine with me changing some details?: Of course! ^w^
Just being me! So what's up?
Thanks for applying bro, I'm excited to read your app /throws sparkles
So be sure to turn this into the the blog turn-in all right now you know what you have to do.
Link me a gif to the word love over there -> [anything you want you]: ▬▬ ♡ L o v e






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