Application for Oceania

PERSONAL AFF Username: TheRoyalCouple

AFF Profile Link:

E-mail: [email protected]


Name: Song DaeJung

Nickname: Black Knight

Gender: Male

Age&Birthday: 19 07/30/92

Place of birth: Korea

Name Of Ulzzang: Yoo Ha Min


Height: 183cm

Weight: 62kg

Favourite Colour: Teal

Spoken languages: Fluent in both Korean and English.

Personality: DaeJung likes to joke around a lot. He always does stuff for others. Before his parents died, he was a delinquent. He didn't want to burden his brother and sister, so he became a caring person. He still has the strength of when he was a delinquent, so when someone is being bullied he will help. Even though he was a delinquent, he had the best grades in school. He always tries his hardest at everything he does.


Background: He has one brother and one sister. Their names are Song JoongKi and Song JiHyo. His parents died when he was around 14. His brother and sister are both actors/actresses. They decided to let him do whatever he wanted, since he had the looks and brains for it.


Triva: 1. He draws in his free time

2. Likes strolling in a park or garden

3. He can cook


Personal fanclub's name: Royal 

Personal fanclub's official colour: Royal Blue

Predebut works: Backup dancer for DBSK's Keep Your Head Down

Was in a CF for Clean and Clear

Training period: 4 years

Position: Main Rapper/Sub Vocals

Singing Voice: 


RELATIONSHIP Partner: It can be one of the members

Personality of partner:

Friends: f(x)'s Amber, DBSK'S Yunho, SuJu's Eunhyuk

Rival: N/A

Reason of rivalry: N/A


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