Kpop confessions (stolen from ShawolBaby16)


Favorite Guy Group~B.A.P

Favorite Girl Group~ F(x)

Ultimate Guy Bias~ Kim Himchan

Ultimate Girl Bias~ Amber 

2nd Ultimate Guy Bias~ mmm...that's a toughie....probably Jung Daehyun

2nd Ultimate Girl Bias~ Miryo

Favorite song~At this point in time...One shot

Favorite Girl Group Song~ NuABO

Favorite Guy Group Song~ not counting one shot...i guess it would be... No Mercy lol

Favorite Kpop Siblings~ Tasty2wins!

Kpop Song You Know All The Words To~ Erm...i dunno that i can say i know ALL the words , but the one i know the most words too.....shoot , i dunno , probably fantastic baby or GDragons crayon

Very First Kpop MV You Saw~ Rain's "I'm coming" mv...that is exactly what started my kpop obsession

Favorite MV~ No Mercy-B.A.P, and Vixx Hyde

Favorite Kpop Dance~ Warrior-B.A.P

Dance You Would like To Learn~ B.A.P warrior, or B2ST Fiction, and/or BTS Bulletproof!

Kpop Dance You Know~ Super Junior's sorry sorry 

Favorite Song From Your Favorite Girl Band~ Nu Abo-F(x)

Favorite Song From Your Favorite Guy Band~ ugh, so many! No mercy, rain sound, warrior, power, oneshot, etc etc

Worst Kpop Song Ever~ Not the worst, but definately tired of hearing Gangnam style!

Worst Kpop Guy Band~  ?

Worst Kpop Girl Band~ ?

Best Solo Artist~ Noh JiHoon

Worst Solo Artist~ ?




SHINee or 2PM~  SHINee!:)

Super Junior or Boyfriend~ Super Junior!

SNSD or F(x)~  F(x)


EXO M or EXO K~ ?

Teen Top or 2NE1~ Teen Top




Bias from Teen Top~  L.Joe

Bias from Super Junior~  Donghae!

Bias from SHINee~ Minho!!

Bias from U-Kiss~ Eli! I have a thing for the dorks!

Bias from B1A4~ I am not yet familiar with B1A4

Bias from TVXQ~  Jaejoong 

Bias from SNSD~ Don't have one




Best Dancer~ Jongup and Zelo

Best Singer~ Hmm...Daesung, ....oh geez i don't know, there's way too many!

Best Smile~ Im Jae Bum (JB of JJ Project)

Best Body~erm...dunno

Best Laugh~omg, i LOVE Dongwoo's laugh, he's such a nutter! Again, i have a thing for dorks lol

Best Impersonation~ I love Himchan's impersonation of Zelo's LTE rap

Best Looking~ No fair! ugh...i'd have to go with Himchan

Best Diva~ Dunno

Best Live Performance~ Any B.A.P one! They are amazing! Whether singing or dancing!   <----- Agree with ShawolBaby

Best Dance Battle~I like the one between BTOB and BAP




If you could say anything to your number one bias what would it be

I wouldn't even know...i'd probably just stand there and stutter like a dweeb. Or spazz like a tard..something along the lines of






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Oh my gosh I was gonna say the exact same thing with the worst song! I don't know why I didn't! Also I was gonna put Tasty2wins as my favorite siblings but I didn't really get the question. I thought they meant like a brother/sister of a k-pop idol. But them not being famous. If that makes sense!