Thank you

I'm very aware blog post aren't for speeches like this but I just wanted to say this;

I want to thank every single person who reads Oh Se Hun, You Little and Whispers of Anterograde (this one is like super new, so I'm talking more about YLS here atm).

This my first story that ever got attention and I thought it was a stupid thing, like really the plot is a cliched (which is why I think it got attention in the first place tbqh) but I truly believe most of you stayed because of how I wrote it, but anyway.

I just really, seriously wanted to say how grateful I am to all you for reading it and commenting it, lately I've been seeing (on my tumblr dash actually) that people are talking about it and recommending it and really just complementing it and it truly means a lot to me.

I don't really consider myself a popular writer or not, I think I just have a one hit wonder but I've been working so hard on  YLS and I'm glad you like it and are enjoying it. I'm having so much fun writing such a lighthearted, funny yet cute (it'll come later don't y'all worry) story, I usually write really deep and strong things (like Whispers of Anterograde for example) so it's totally new and refreshing for me to write something like YLS, so thank you guys so much for reading it.

It actually means a lot to me that so many people like it, have read it, and comment on it (not really on this last one out of 15O+ readers I get like three or four comments a chapter but it's so much better then my usual 3O+ subs and one comment) so... I really just wanted to say thank you guys so much <3



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