My Poor Cookie Adventure

This has nothing to do with kpop, but its about my horrible cookie making expeirence. 


     So, my mom bought chocolate chips to make. obviously, chocolate chip cookies. I was really excited and craving said chocolate cookies, so I wanted to make some. That was the first mistake. I should have never taken a step into that kitchen since I'm the WORST cook in the house. I can't even make Ramen on the stove without my mom by my side. Anyway, I was like...

 "How hard can making cookies be?" 

    So I got out all the ingrediants to make these amazing cookies. I went out to the living room and asked my mom about where the vanilla was, and she told me that she wanted to make chocolate chip peanut butter cookies. I was like..."Oh, okay!" After putting away the stuff I didn't need, I was ready. I put everything in a bowl and was already stirring it. Then I realized something.

I forgot to soften the butter. 

     After panicking and staring at the un-stirred bowl of cookie dough, I decided to use one of those mechanical wisks. Second mistake. After a while of stirring with that, and practically all the contents of the bowl flying everywhere, I gave up. When I pulled the wisk out, the poor thing was broke, unfixable. I was shocked, and decided to hide it. (I was panicking...) I switched back to the actual wisk, and started to stir with that. I then decided that it was a great idea to put the bowl of cookie dough inside the mircrowave to soften the butter since it was the thing holding me back. Third and most horrible mistake ever. 

    After it was done, and I had almost finished stirring, I added the chocolate chips. It was going great at first, and it looked good. Then I heard my mom coming into the kitchen, and was looking for her, telling her about how I broke the mechanical wisk (She was not happy, by the way) After talking to her for a bit, I looked back at my cookie dough, and saw that the chocolate chips melted. It looked like this weird swirl of peanut butter and chocolate. I tried to hide it from my mom, but she had looked over my shoulder and saw my horrible mess. After we recovered from our shock, she had given me a lecture about asking for help, then she blamed herself for not helpiing me, then she thanked me for not burning down the kitchen.

Thanks Mom, I love you too.

    Thinking I shouldn't waste my epic fail, I put it in the oven. After twelve minutes of waiting, I pulled them out; they didn't look to bad. Then, after two minutes of waiting for them to cool down, I tried one. 

It still tasted like a chocolate chip cookie with peanut butter.

  So, I am going to assume that this adventure was a life lesson. Obviously it taught me that I have to marry someone who knows how to cook, and stick to my dream of becoming a writer. 




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Lol aw :)

I have a friend that really loves baking a lot, so I always get to enjoy the delicious soils of the treats she makes. Even when she was convincing us that the pie she made from scratch was awful, it was really good.

I think the thing with baking is just improvising though, and working around the mistakes you make. I'm happy they still turned out tasty :) I would say that if you like baking, don't let a few bad batches or broken whisks take you down.

And I broke a whisk once making holiday cookies. The stupid thing started smoking and almost caught on fire. Needless to say I had a panic moment. And I wasn't even at my own house. We were at my friends moms house.
.... *sigh*
It was good!?!?? I want some! Haha. Such a funny and cool story.