Guns, Roses, and Broken Hearts Ex. Ap


USERNAME:  BlowingBubbles
: Deedee



Remember Her Name

FULL NAME: Moon Hyun ae
DATE OF BIRTH:  September 12, 1993
AGE: 19
BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, Korea
HOMETOWN; Seoul, Korea


Mug Shot 

ULZZANG: Park Min Ju

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STYLE:  Girly-girl



Your a Warrior 

PERSONALITYHyunnie is the definition of clumsy and a day-dreamer. Ever since she was young she has been falling all over the place. She likes to day-dream which clashes with her clumsy trait, and tends to lead her into accidents. She is quiet and doesn't try to stand out much. She hates being the center of attention and gets teary when she does.SHe is very friendly when spoken too, and won't hesitate to help people if they need some. Shes honest and can't tell a lie even if she tried to. Although, if she gets mad, its best to stay away from her. She can change from a ball of sweetness to a ball of hatred in mere seconds. She does hold grudges and when she doesn't like someone, she doesn't like someone and won't talk to them at all. 

LIKESTea (She fell in love with it at first sip), Fairy-Tales (Shes been in love with them since she was little.), Chocolate (What girl doesn't like chocolate? XD), Reading (She likes to lose herself inside the books), Family (Her family and her are close.), Daisies (She doesn't like roses and thinks they are a more pretty flower)
DISLIKESBitter Tea (She hates the taste), Jeans (They feel weird on her), Mean People (She doesn't like getting mad), Platform heels (They hurt her feet and she doesn't like feeling like a sky-scraper.). Embarressing situations (She hates being the center of attention)
HOBBIESPlaying the violin, reading, day-dreaming, playing videogames
HABITS Rocks back and forth on her heels when standing too long, Falls randomly, Twirls her bangs when bored.
FEARS:  Heights, Rejection, Bees
TRIVIA:  Takes midnight strolls in the park ~ owns a entire shelf of otome games ~ used to be a fujoshi ( lover) ~ loves reading fantasy books ~ likes to write in her diary abouthe people she meets at the meetings~ A pro-gamer ~ Has two bookshelfs full of videogames ~ at aiming guns

HISTORY:   Hyunnie's family owns a ramen shop (The Spicy Noddle), in downtown Seoul. After many years of succesful buisness, a guy came in demanding money that her parents had borrowed to start their buisness. The didn't have any to spare, and the guy threatened to kill them if he didn't get the money. Hyunnie and Jongup had said they'll give him the money in few months, with a hesitation, he agreed. Hyunnie and Jongup had done many jobs to get all the money, but they did. She'd given it to him, but he wasn't done. He had taken over their Ramen Shop, and thrown them onto the streets. After that, Hyunnie and Jongup vow to take revenge.

A Place To Call Home

FAMILY:  Mom| Moon Cho | 41 | Worrsysome, paranoid, quiet | Florist |8 |Alive

Dad|Moon Seungho | 45 | Quiet, Serious, Wise | Cars Salesman |8 | Alive

 Twin Brother| Moon Jongup | 19 | Quiet, Shy, Tough, Bad-  | B.A.P |8 | Alive

FRIENDS:  Best Fighter, Hacker, Medic


Whatcha Gonna Do?

RIVAL: Krystal | 20 |F(x) | Kyrstal is really bubbly and out-going. She is very talkative, and hard-working. | Krystal and Hyunnie have met at deal meetings, and they fought over some merchandise that the dealer brought. Krystal and her got into a fight, and Hyunnie had beat her by a hair, so she vowed to ge her back for embarressing her.





You're My One and Only

LOVE INTEREST: Taeha (speed)
PERSONALITY: Taeha seems quiet, but hes not. Hes really serious, and is very calm and cool. Hes aloof and mysterious. 
RELATIONSHIP: Sort of Friends
HOW DO YOU MEET? : Taeha is the supplier of Speed, so they have met at dealer meetings. They have talked, but not to the extent of knowing each other all to well.
HOW DO YOU ACT?: Hyunnie thinks hes very handsome and cool, but doesn't trust him yet. Shes a bit recluctant to be allies with him.


Dont Mess With Her




Position: Supplier
Back-up: Hacker
Weapon of Choice: Throwing Knives
Weakness:  Aiming with guns, and dodging
"Stage" Name:  Ace


 You Are Done.




COMMENTS?: I'm author




PASSWORD :  Author nim



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