NaNoWriMo Fanfic Hiatus : Pinaywriter says sorry

I have to write 50k words + before November 30. OMO!


It's the challenge for National Novel Writing Month and this is my piece, Pinay's Pie!

So this means I can't edit or make any new chapters for the SuJu Fanfics. T_T And I can't work on any of the novels i am editing.

But I am doing this for my writer's esteem. Once i win (you win if you get to reach the 50k word count) I would be so inspired that I would probably finish all the things I have to do. Though December would be super busy too. T_T,


I hope you guys understand. ^.^ Tune in to Wattpad for the new chapters for that novel.

To SuJu fans, happy anniversary. I am a new Elf so I can't celebrate that much. I hope you enjoy my fanfics nevertheless!

You can add me here if you are a WRIMO too

If you love fanfic like chick lit you should read POPPED! and POPPED TOO




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@CB009 Yeah. It's refreshing. I am sure my ex would hate seeing this novel since it's very close to what I felt while dating him ahahahhhahhahha
Comatose-Bunny #2
=) Happy to know that you are participating, madame. Best of luck to you!