V-EMPIRE Application =3

AFF name: K-P0PG1rL
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/14875
Character Name: Shin SeoHyun
Nickname: Hyunnie, Kuroi & Avery
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages: Fluent: Japanese, English & French | Learning: Korean | Basic: Mandarin
Age: 18
Birthday: Dec. 13, 1992
Height: 184cm
Weight: 52kg
Blood Type: AB
Orientation: Straight (Leaning towards Bi-Curious)
Looks Like: http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lt2u0tKirR1qa5dcno1_400.jpg





Name of Ulzzang: Kang Hyuk Min

Style: http://www.yesstyle.com/en/free-shop-pocket-detail-striped-sleeve-top-green-dark-gray-xl/info.html/pid.1025072535










He doesn’t have a specific style. You usually see him wearing shirts that have too long of sleeves. The sleeves should always dangle off his arms, unless it’s warm outside or inside. He likes the dark colors like gray, black, and blue. He’ll wear anything as long as his wrists or fingers have something on them. If there are no sleeves, he’ll have spiked bracelets or rings.

Personality: SeoHyun doesn’t act like the average teenage boy. He feels as if he was never really born, for an odd reason. He just doesn’t feel natural around many people. He doesn’t enjoy sports at all, but if forced hard enough, he’ll do them. He’s quite lazy and doesn’t like moving too much unless it has to do with break dancing. SeoHyun practices his dancing frequently and is very phenomenal. Whenever he dances, he has to be perfect so he can show his family how experienced he’s become in something he loves. He’s always loved the vicious types of animals and the darker colors, like blues and grays.
SeoHyun isn’t much of a talker. He thinks it wastes breath to strike a conversation with someone, especially if they’re trying to start a fight with insulting and teasing. If someone did initiate a fight with him, he’d just ignore them or tell them to believe what they want to believe. It won’t affect his mood. SeoHyun could care less about what others had to say about him, whether it be positive or negative.

He is a very independent person. He hates when people try to help him. He doesn’t like being pitied on and hates having others help him. If you try to assist him in anything, if it’s a project or if he’s injured in any way, he’ll never accept anyone’s help. If you are persistent in trying to helping him, he’ll either brush you off or just accept you, and you might even become friends in a way. SeoHyun thinks that everyone should be able to fend for them self in this ‘Dog Eat Dog’ world, it’s the only way to survive. He’s somewhat hypocritical because, even though he doesn’t accept help from anyone, he’ll help others if they aren’t on his bad side, like queenkas who bully, etc. He wouldn’t talk to them afterwards either, it’s not really any of his concern anyway.



- Fast rapping

- Break dancing

- Picks up on dancing quickly

- Voice Manipulation

- Gymnastics



- Cats

- Ghosts

- Musical Arts

- Fire

- Dogs

- Jewelry

- Depressing Music

- Pink

- Vampires

- Extreme Heat

- Cake

- Discrimination

- Video Games

- Harassment/Bullying



- Reading

- Break dancing

- Coloring

- Online Shopping

- Styling girls’ hair.



- Rubbing forehead

- When he’s angry, he’ll growl like a dog

- When he’s tired, he blinks hard

- Playing with his phone charms

- He’ll make hand gestures when he’s bored talking to someone

- Pointing to his fingers like gun and saying ‘bang’

- Acting like ‘L’ from Death Note



- He always plays with his sleeves

- He has Hello Kitty phone charms. He either changes them every week or tries to put them all on his phone.

- His phone is the iPhone4.

- He has a diary that looks like a DEATH NOTE. He writes in it every night before dinner and after brushing his teeth, right before bed.

- His favorite number is 13.

- He likes Hello Kitty because of Zico.

- He’s allergic to kimchi & fake fur. If he gets near kimchi, he’ll get a fever. If he wears fake fur, he itches like crazy and gets covered in hives.

- He went on a blind date, but it ended awkwardly.

- He likes action, mysteries & fantasy when it comes to literature.

- His favorite songs are Ignorance & Brick by Boring Brick by Paramore

- His favorite artists are Avril Lavigne, Paramore & Auburn

Background: SeoHyun and his siblings were all born in Tokyo, Japan, except for RinYeon & MiHye. Their first languages were Japanese, English and French. He and his younger siblings are still learning their Korean to this day. They didn’t know much besides greetings and ‘thank you’s. It was confusing for him especially, to learn.
On the day of RinYeon’s 4th birthday, SeoHyun grew to dislike her. He didn’t want another sibling. He knew that he wouldn’t get the attention as time went on. When RinYeon offered her brother a piece of cake, he freaked out. His hate and fear for cake is still here today. He backed away frightened from her. YeJin had to comfort RinYeon and calm SeoHyun down. A few weeks ago, he had a dream where a large cake monster looking creature had murdered his family and it was so absurd yet realistic that it had scarred him for life.
When he was eight, SeoHyun and his family moved to South Korea. One day, his mother, twin sister YeJin and he went on a field trip to a park. His brother was in middle school, one of his sisters in elementary and his father at work. The three of them had a picnic and met other families, like the Lee family. This was when SeoHyun met SungYeol. Little SungYeol was brought to the field trip because his mother thought he could use some of the outside world.
SeoHyun and YeJin were eating udon noodles when SungYeol came up to him. The older boy started talking with the twins as the day went by. They ate together, talked together and eventually they became friends. The twins went through school with SungYeol and began pulling pranks on the other students of the school, and became inseparable, that is, until SungYeol wasn’t in the same school with them. He is, in fact, 2 years older than they are. They didn’t hang out with his sister much since she didn’t like pranks. When SungYeol wasn’t with them during those few years, YeJin was picked on because the older popular girls thought that SeoHyun was weak and pitiful. SeoHyun was picked on by the jocks because they also believed he was weak and that he was a girl’s twin.
One day in May, the twins (13), RinYeon (11) & HyunSeok (17) were on their way back home. They had just come back from a couple days with their grandparents. All of a sudden, the car crashed with another and the twins knocked their heads together, which knocked both of them out. HyunSeok and RinYeon freaked out. RinYeon was slightly injured with a few scratches. HyunSeok had a broken arm. He tried carrying both to the ambulance that he had called.
On that exact day, May 17th, was the birth of MiHye. YeJin was in the hospital for 2 weeks. SeoHyun was discharged for another month. YeJin would stay for every night, because her younger twin was very close to her. They did everything together, until SeoHyun decided to get into the entertainment industry to show what he has become. He doesn’t know all Korean, since he’s used to speaking in Japanese, even though he’s been in South Korea for a majority of his life.

Shin SeungHyun – 42 – Father // He’s a forensic scientist. He also works with the police.// Mature, quiet-spoken & polite. He takes work seriously but is always around to be there for his family.// Looks very young for his age.

Shin/ Moon Lenalee – 40 – Mother // She is a debuting actress// Very calm and quiet. She loves everything nature-wise and is down-to-earth. She is the reason why SeoHyun is very neat and precise about things. // Looks young for her age.


Shin HyunSeok – 22 – Brother – Calm, positive & mature// Lives in New York City// He works as a math and physics teacher.//
Shin YeJin –18 – Younger Twin Sister//Cold, distant, tomboy-ish, yet supportive, loving and quiet. // She works as a martial arts teacher.//
Shin RinYeon – 14 – Sister – Has Autism// Very childish and likes hanging around SeoHyun
Shin MiHye – 2 – Sister – A very quiet baby// Doesn’t like people outside of the family.

What did your family say after they found out that SM worked you nearly to death?
SeoHyun's mother was crushed to know that her young son was being stressed out and exhausted every day. She tried her best to get him feeling energized and healthy throughout the time he was with SM. YeJin was furious with SM Ent doing this to her twin brother. She almost went straight to the CEO and demand him to tell her what the hell he was doing her to older twin brother. His father tried to lighten his mood by saying that he's proud that SeoHyun hasn't quit just because it's too hard. It shows how much he is willing to go through to do something he loves. HyunSeok was a bit like YeJin, he didn't like the thought of his little brother being worked to death. RinYeon has Autism and MiHye is too young to understand.

Other things I have to know about your family?: Moon Ya El is SeoHyun's cousin. She is an ulzzang. She's sweet and smiley and loves hanging out with SeoHyun.

Background: SeoHyun didn’t like training at SM. He did what he had to do and nothing else. The only other thing he did was avoid the female trainees and noonas. He was absolutely terrified of them and just didn’t like the girl trainees there. They seems very superficial and SeoHyun was actually very insecure of himself, especially his name. Having his real birth name ‘SeoHyun’ and a female singer’s stage name ‘SeoHyun’ it makes him feel awkward around others, especially when he’s been bullied for being a girl’s twin and NOW having a female’s stage name.
Before Audition: SeoHyun was in a hip-hop group in middle school and high school. They were called 'Bloody Roar'. He was the main dancer and a sub rapper.
How Long where you trainee?: 3 years 4 months
SM Case
What do you think of SM after you left?
Honestly, SeoHyun didn’t care too much, but since the company but his group members in exhaustion, he was furious. He can’t look at the SM idols the same way, with admiration,  ever again, except for BoA.
What did you do in this one year until you and your band went to a different Entertainment?When SeoHyun got his break, he stayed in his house, with his little sisters and parents. He vacationed to the States to see his older brother in New York for a few months. When SeoHyun and his family came back, he decided to get back into the music industry. He practiced singing as much as he could with his sister, YeJin because she thought of becoming an idol recently.
How do you feel about performing with the other members again?
It  may not seem like it on the outside, but SeoHyun feels ecstatic about getting back together with the group. He misses the butterflies in his stomach and rush of adrenaline through his veins when performing.
Stage info
Stage name: Xion
Position: Lead Rapper/B-Boy/Face of Group
Persona:The 'Unborn'
Fan club name: Sins
Fan club color:  Lust 
( #E62020 )

Trivia: Voice cracks a few times singing higher notes.

Lee SungYeol [INFINITE]

Shin DongHo [UKISS]

Seok ChaeJin [MYNAME]

Kwon BoA

Yoo ChangHyun/Ricky [Teen Top]

Woo JiHo/Zico [Block B]

Crush: Since he’s mostly straight, Kim Hyuna(4Minute), but he starts to like one of the other guys in the group.
Lover: None at the Moment
Ex-lover: N/A
Rival: Yong JunHyung [B2ST] –   He isn’t very fond of JunHyung. He seems suspicious to SeoHyun and it irks him to no end.
Do you have any wish regarding your character? Could people accidentally mix up SeoHyun and SungYeol whenever they are hanging out together? (I personally think Kang Hyuk Min looks like SungYeol. xD )


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