Feeling Ghetto(Electro) Fabulous

If you don't get the title reference then you are a sad and unfortunate person. 

I don't know how many people on this site are familiar with homecoming. For those who are, I still don't know how similar they are.

My school is more diverse* than surrounding area schools, so our dj tends to play intense hip-hop (not to be confused with hip-hap). Dresses are mid-thigh or shorter... if you don't wear something like that you'll look out of place. It's common for people to pre-game before attending. There's . I don't mean the stuff that's exclusively in bathrooms. I mean on the dance floor where belts are undone, skirts are up around the waist, etc. By the end of the night you're wearing other people's sweat.

Oh yeah, this is no child's play.

Anyway, I guess there's no real purpose for this post except to say that I've experienced my fourth and final homecoming. To be quite honest I'll miss it. Not the random capades (I've only witnessed, I swear! I'm saving myself for taemin... lol) but because it's fun dancing with my gay guy friends and those awkward boys who can't dance on the beat. There is something to be said about watching the windows build up condensation from the heat of perspiration... magic.

Yeah... There was honestly no point in this post.

Until next time,



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