fab vs. drab – the style bible ↻ ( Angelina Kwak ; All Right )




fab vs. drab

fab vs. drab



================================the style bible. ===========


  name: Kwak, Angelina 


Lina; a pet name from her real name.

Sooyeon; her Korean name that her father side


   activity level (1-5): 5


   birthday: 08/09

   age: 21

   height & weight: 164cm, 51kg


   birthplace: Paris, France

   hometown: Paris, France

   ethnicity: Korean (father) - French (mother)



================================be couture today. ========



  Throughout Angelina's adolescence years, she grew very timid. After

excessive nightmare of her near experienced of being  Angelina

had grew distanced from the rest of the world. Detaching herself from her

group of friends, sitting in the back of the class and getting all

paranoid of simple skinship. Though her parents told her it just  nightmares

and the simple fact she is just a bit socially awkward had made 

her a bit skeptical. As hard as she tries to tell herself that everything is ok,



there's something within her that wouldn't allow it. 


  Though Angelina seems like a cold quite nerd, she carries alot of feeling within her.

She was never the type to say this and that or complain about anything that comes  

her way. She like to be a civilized person but it can be a bit of a challenge if she evenfaced them without fainting from the overwhelming feelings. While losing  her sanity

with society, Angelina had also lost her strong confidences. She can't even step out the house without feeling scared of the world looking down on her like they knew her dark



  Over the years of just herself against the world, Angelina developed a rather socially awkward behaviors. She's unpredictable and can be 

quite interesting to a hand-ful of people, yet can be an annoyance to the rest of the people. She like keeping to herself and not allowing

anyone beside her parent in her own little world. She tend to be emotionless and have 'no feelings' so to speak, poker face and blank stares

is what she have to offer to the world. 


  Never judge a book by it's cover, is what I would use for new comers who is getting to know her. She might seem cold and heartless but this 

girl have a heart full of gold that is hidden under her trumatic state. Once she makes a promise, she keeps and is willing to fight a war to get it 

done. Angelina is and was never a liar, she can be quite honest and tend to throw people off by her brutally honesty answers.  She do not only

care for herself well-being but for others as well, willing to help them despite her fear of being around people. 



   Keywords: Paranoid, Timid, Quite, Mysterious, Considerate.




a-list model (primary ulzzang): Song Ah Ri




   b-list model (back-up): Park Sora





-----------------------------------------breathe carolina-------



your choice of house:

Christian Dior


your choice of position: 

Internship as a Fashion Journalist



writing, fashion, listening to music, coffee,

being by herself, Minseok's presence.



skinship, long conversations, bugs, being scolded,

darkness, being lied to.



writing, shopping, singing, photography,

playing games.



→ Always carries a pen and a notepad around with her.

→ Holding her feelings in no matter how hard it gets.


fears: (unlimited)

→ Claustrophobia: fears of tight spaces

(more like places filled with people)

→ Being around people.


trivia: (unlimited)

→ Though her job is to write about fashion, Angelina is a

very skilled photographer as well.

→ Able to speak 3 languages: Korean, French and English.

→  Have an older brother named Antonio (Seunghyun),

who's 2 years older than her and is currently studying

in Korea.

→ Her father actually worked in Christian Dior house

as a tailor, main reason why she wanted to join

CD's house.

→ Sometimes she would faint when she gets to

scared or overwhelmed. 































drab vs. fab

drab vs. fab



========================heels high, head higher. ==========


   haute-couture: All Right


   his personality: 

  Kim Minseok a guy who is never greedy for riches and fame in any shape or

form. He was born a prince but rather live his life as a commer. 

The stress of his parent constant protectiveness over his well-being had made

him want to escape this fairy tale faster. He's a guy who wants to

live his life to the fullest without wasting any seconds,mintues or hours. He's

always willing to help a person in need no matter if the situation 

could possibly cause his life. He's smart and witty knows his way around the

world well and can survive it without a problem. Minseok is a 

hard worker, he rather break a bone than letting his work being done by

anyone else but him. 


    scenario requests: 

» Miseok persistently tries to talk to Angelina and despite the fact that she

can't talk to people, Angelina felt protected with just his 

mere presence in the room.

» lying about his status as the heir of CD to just another worker maybe.

» Minseok telling her what happen that night, 5 years ago, and due to the shock she faints?

(to dramatic? -dies-)

» Maybe a first love comes into the picture and she gets jealous without even knowing. Have

her opening up a bit and having other applicants coworkers as her friend informing her of her jealousy.

» Because of her fear of coming face-to-face with other while talking had cause a trouble. Her managers was scolding her for do 

something wrong and was fired up because her 'rudeness' so he/she scolded her even more. After the whole scolding scene was over

Angelina when to the rooftop (typical) to cry her feelings out and was caught by Minseok. 

» After Minseok found out about Angelina being the girl he saved and started to develop a feeling towrards her, he would send

varieties of gift to her desk everyday. 




===============================hasta la vista. ============


   comments: Hope I did ok. :/ honestly did is my first time applying for a fashion-based story, it seems very interesting

btw!  Please let me know if I did something wrong  or not TT-TT.


   quests & suggests: not really....


   password?: "In order to be irreplaceable , one must always be different."


























picture credits go to google and tumblr


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