Star Crown Application


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Charater Info~~




Name: Kim Eun Jung


Nickname: EunJungie


Date of Birth: 21/11/1994


Languages Known(Learning or Fluent): English and Korean (Fluent), Japanese (Basic) 



(Ullzzang name Jung Roo)

Personality: She is very quiet and doesn't talk to much people unless if it's her band members, friends and her crush. She doesn't really care about her surroundings unless if it happenes to her or it's really important. Other than her cold personality she likes to tease members and is very protective of them. She is also good at making smart remarks.

Backround: She lived with her Older brother in a small apartment because her parents were both very busy people and often went to different countries  . She was often bullied by classmates which is why it is a bit hard for her to make new friends. She is very strong and no one has ever seen her cry. She also wears alot of black. She got into rapping when she was 7.


Likes: Horror movies





Girls who are fake

Chick flicks (Romantic/Cheesy movies)

 Books (She doesn't like reading)

Anything really colourful (e.g Rainbows)


 Basket ball

Ice skating


 Randomly rapping things in any moment

Makes smart remarks even when she doesn't want to.


 Dad,  Mother, Older brother


 Lee Donghae (SUPER JUNIOR)


 Yoona,Sooyoung (SNSD), Minwoo ,Youngmin (BOYFRIEND), Kevin and Kiseop (U-KISS) 


 Seohyun(SNSD), Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Eunhyuk (SUPER JUNIOR), Jonghyun and Minho (SHINEE)


Sulli (Fx)

~~Stage Information~~


Trainee years(2 at least):

5 years


Main Rapper/Sub vocals

Other jobs(optional):

Modeling and Acting 

Relationship info:


Partner/crush/bias (Give me top 3 ):


2, Dongho (U-KISS) 

3.Kwangmin (BOYFRIEND)

How did you two meet?(If you didn't meet yet then thats fine. Just tell me how theyre gonna meet if  you want to):

I haven't meet Eli yet but i would like Kevin to introduce him to me.

I go to the same school as Dongho

Me and Kwangmin haven't meet but I would like to meet him by modeling together


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kichikimo #1
thank you~ ^^