5000th o u o


I Love You

I Love You

                                   Half of ten-thousand O.O

I just want to say, you people are all dorks /slapped/ jk no jk. Also, you guys are all hilarious and amazing, and I don't think I've ever tweeted so much in less than four weeks... I ramble too much here... And if you aren't in my little list thingy, I still love you to infinity and beyond, it's just I'm lazy, sighs, so lazy. Stay amazeballs, all of you     o u o <3 

       pls note: I did most of this at liek 3 am, probably not my best work.

My Noraebang


My Noraebang

Stop hiding in dm u l0zer .-.  I hope you enjoy my singing cos I'm not done yet e u e/slapped/ ily oppar stay fantastical <3

Biscuit bby e u e


Biscuit bby e u e

 You're so freaking adorable omf. Somehow, you still manage to be freaking cool at the same time. Your typos make me laugh more than they should 00p. stay perfect biscuit, i luv yew <3 (coughssorryforignoringyouthattimeyouyouknowcoughsmorewiththecakeandthebubbleteacoughs)

Naeun Unnie


Naeun Unnie

you're so pretty IC and OOC ;u; also, you rawk my sawks. i love yew bb stay fantastic <3

Sehunf Oppap


Sehunf Oppap

omf i still remember spamming yew with cheese e u e I dunno, we barely talk, but whenever we do, you never fail to make me laugh. Sleep more, you're gonna have acne all over your face /slapped; I luv yew <3 stay awesome sauce liek something that rhymes with sauce that is also awesome sauce orz


My Husbandeu <3


My Husbandeu <3 

Sobs, sorry I forgot you before... You're so nice and funny, and so sweet I just- I love you so much, okay? Stay superb, my love <3 


Taeng Unnie


Taeng Unnie

   cries, i luv yew, yew crazy thing. stay fabulous, love <3

Sica Unnie


Sica Unnie

I miss when you always made the TL rated tbh ;; You're so funny and weird, ilysm okei bb  stay incredible<3 (I s2g I got diabetes when looking through your gifs, so much aegyo >.>)




                     /raps/ sweg sweg on yew /slapped;

forever laughing at you tbh /murdered; ily mangs, stay sweggie <3


Eunjeh Unneh


Eunjeh Unneh

Eunjeh unneh /squishes yew; You're so adorable, I- sniffles, I love you so much bby <3 aieru <3 




Wow, I had a ton of things to say, but I forgot, typical. One thing I know, I laugh way too hard at your puns. Honestly, you're liek this giant ball of crazy and sillyness with a dash of sweg tbh, and you're so adorable, I just- Yeap, basically. I love you bby stay fantabulous <3


T-ae my love <3


T-ae my love <3

/still forgetting everything I wanted to say/ Mugod, ilysfm. You're funny and so freaking cute ic and ooc, ai kennot. I love you mostest, okay. Stay your super amazing self, and don't let anyone's opinions change you cos you're perfect the way you are. Stay as kawaii as  e u e <3 I love you super duper much <3


Ampoop, my poopiest <33


Ampoop, my poopiest <33 

                              (super ooc tbh 00ps)

Oh my lordy, girl, I could write an entire essay on you... Seriously, you literally have no idea how much I love and care for you (no homo e.e) Honestly, in a way, you really are like Amber, you're this crazy, super hyper, weirdo (in a good way). You're super fun to talk to, and you're one of the most amazing people I know... You're perfect the way you are, maybe not perfect, period, but perfect. You're probably thinking "em nawt", but it's a matter or opinion, so you are, at least in this stupid person typing this thinks you are. I'm always here for you, okay? 

On a lighter note, you're the reason I have like ten million derp/hugging/idols making heart pictures on my phone e n e sobs. And thank you so much for scarring me with that Onew picture that I AM STILL NOT OVER

(I love you to Raxacoricofallapatorius and back <3 coughsdoctorwhoreferencecoughs)


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tranquilrp #1
AWWWW, Thanks Hayi. <3

base. e u e;