"マジすか?majisuka :kobayashi genji"




CHARACTER NAME: kobayashi genji 
NICKNAME(S): Genji-kun (since she has a male's name, they use 'kun' instead of 'chan', not that she'd let anybody use chan after her name anyways.) « not exactly a nickname. most call her by her last name kobayashi, since she doesn't like her first name. Ji-dono, Genji is the most respected after their leader, the legendary Keiko. due to genji's responsible, president-like personality, they add the 'dono' to it, ji being short for genji. however, they don't directly address her as 'ji-dono'. 

BIRTHDATE / AGE: December/01 : currently sixteen. 

ETHNICITY: pure Japanese. 
LANGUAGES: Japanese (native), English (fluent, accent), Chinese (fluent, accent) – both english and chinese learnt through school. 

MOTTO: "please to easy on me," along with a bow and a slight smirk. 

SHORT BIO: The calm, yet intimidating vice leader. She, who the students look up to yet try to avoid. Just her glare would get you begging for mercy. She's reckless, yet she knows what she's doing. Her every move is classy, yet dangerous. Her presence sends shivers down your spine. But she isn't ruthless. Although she comes from the strongest gang in Taido, with members who couldn't give any less s on the pain they inflict on others, she at least has a heart – somewhat. 


ULZZANG: Lee Dasom (somewhat passes as Japanese, /shot) 

    GALLERY: one two three four gallery
BACK-UP: Tomomi Ogari
    GALLERY: one two three four gallery

APPEARANCE: She has a tattoo of a dragon flying up her back, along with Chinese characters that spell 'Silent'. She wears one, black stud on her left ear. There are cut on her wrist, covered up by either bandages that reach up to her elbows or sleeves. For some odd reasons, her eyes are two different colours. One a dark brown, and the other a slightly lighter brown. 

STYLE: At home, she's wearing her usual martial arts gear. A black Gi, along with a black belt, slippers and even a bamboo stick behind her back. When she's in school, (uniform style.) When she's out, she's usually wearing very casual clothing. Most likely a hoodie along with a pair of shorts, a beanie and a pair of white headphones around her neck. Her socks would be knee height, and she'd be wearing a pair of runners. 

  UNIFORM STYLE: Even when it's summer, she get's cold and sick easily. Under her school shirt, she'd wear a thin grey hoodie. Instead of wearing the school skirt, she'd wear a pair of black shorts that reached a few inches above her knees. Her socks, as always, would be knee height and as weird as it is, there'd be a bamboo stick hanging from a strap around her back. She wears the standard school coat over her dress shirt. She doesn't wear a tie, it being annoying and it'd usually choke her. Also, with the amount of thugs in the school, one of them may decide to pull on it and she'd rather not get her hands dirty by potentially killing them. She wears bandages from her fist, (so it doesn't hurt too much incase she uses them) all the way up to her elbows. However it's hardly visible since she wears them under her sleeve. 


TRAITS: Mature, Loyal, Sharp, Quick, Intimidating, Calm, Responsible
PERSONALITY: Despite being one of the youngest in the gang, or perhaps even the school, just by talking to her you'd think she's an adult in a young student's body. She's responsible, mature. She knows what she's doing and pays attention to every little detail. She's good at solving out puzzles, solving situations and even people. She's sharp, she notices every detail and won't hesitate to point it out. It's as if she's looking right through you. Reading your mind, judging your every move and pointing out your imperfections and flaws. She's usually showing a blank, calm expression. Her eyes look as if they're staring into nothing, there's no spark and glint anywhere. She's like a living ghost. She's not one to get angry easily. When somebody does try to ruin her day, it's their day that'll end up getting ruined. Genji doesn't like doing anything that'll bother her in the future. Such as having to put in effort. She's lazy, whatever (or rather, whoever) bothers her, she'll get rid of. Although she doesn't get mad often, she can get moody. Such as waking up early. To whoever even dares to wake her up, they'd be lucky to be lucky to have a finger left. She's not exactly a happy riser, but she's a happy sleeper, that's for sure.  

Genji has quite a sharp tongue. She's able to speak without second thoughts, she doesn't consider how another may feel about it. She has a whole galaxy of insults running around her mind. One of the reasons why most students avoid her is to avoid getting embarrassed. With her quick eyes and sharp mind, there's nothing she won't notice. Another reason students avoid her is because of her deadly martial arts skills – being the niece of a dojo director. She's fast, her reflexes as quick as lightening. She's not the strongest, however with her speed she's able to cut through you with just her bare hands. It's no wonder why she was chosen as a vice-leader. She's trustworthy, she's loyal, she's quick and she's intelligent. Yep, intelligent. As in smart. Coming from a legendary gang, it's surprising. Yet, only their leader knows about Genji's intellect. Although she sleeps in class, she's actually paying attention to every little word she hears from a teacher, correcting them in her mind even. She doesn't actually even try to learn, her mind just collects information and stores it forever. She doesn't study, she doesn't look up once at the board, as soon as a few words reach her ears she'll remember them. Ruthless, is not a word to describe Genji. She has some sense of pity, she's not merciless. She knows when to stop. it's not that she actually, really cares. She learnt how to control herself, to not go as far as it having to bother her in the future. But she doesn't always let go. If they annoy her long enough to piss her off, her victim could say goodbye to all fours. When she's isn't feeling very sorry for the other or when she's just a bit moody, that's when she's ruthless. 

As heartless as she seems, she's respectful. She's loyal, and she treats every gang member (except for their leader, Keiko) as an equal to herself. Genji doesn't act like she's of a high rank than anybody else. But if they dare to even say one word that'd up her mood, she wouldn't hesitate to make them regret even breathing. She can take little insults about herself, she'd usually just brush them off. But if they spoke one bad word about Keiko, she's ruthless. The only one that'd be able to calm her down is Keiko herself. She shows nothing but utmost respect towards their leader, she devotes her entire life to her. It's not as if she's inlove with her or anything, she just respects her. To Genji, she's the only reason why she's breathing. Genji's acts as Keiko's dog, following her and obeying her every word, she's Genji's first love – she idolises Keiko, she sees her as some kind of god. 


HISTORY:  Kobayashi was born in one of the most horrible streets of Tokyo, where you need to tape your wallet into your hands and make sure you keep some kind of object you'd be able to use as self defence. She was born in that one room apartment, her parents unable to afford hospital expenses. Her mother worked as a nurse and her father was once a university professor until he lost his job – which resulted in having to deal with loan sharks, the money he used on gambling. Just a few months after she was born, her mother died. Yes, another typical 'one parent dies, the other's an abusive, alcaholic ' cliche. Well, her father was an abusive alcaholic moron, but he wasn't completely out of his mind. He still loved Genji, he still treated her as his daughter and loved her as family. He never dared to lay his fist on her, all he did was praise her and smile at her. It was her that showed nothing but coldness towards him. She hated her father, she hated how weak he was and how he was so useless, which most likely contributed to her hatred towards males. But she's reasonable, she knows every male isn't her father. 

When her father wasn't home, she'd read his books from when he use to be a professor, which was why she was smarter than most people. From the age of eight, she was able to read such advanced books. Her father knew she was a gifted child, he's always praise her for it but she'd usually give him the cold shoulder. When she was ten, her father was out into jail for stabbing somebody while he was drunk. That was when her respect for him hit rock bottom. That was when she stopped calling him father, and she started calling him sir or mister, which what totally broke her father's heart. But she really couldn't care any less, he was just a scary stranger to her now.

Since her father wasn't getting out of jail any time soon, her uncle took her in. Unlike her father, he has a sense of pride and respect. He knew what he was doing, he knew where he was going in his life. Her uncle was strict, firm yet gentle. He was a proud man. He owned a dojo and was a martial arts instructor, he had control of himself and was looked up to by many. Genji has a lot of respect towards her uncle, he was able to keep her walking on two feet. However, for half a year she hated her life – a lot more than she did a few years ago. Students in school would for being the daughter of a 'murderer', they'd call her a criminals daughter. Nobody wanted to make friends with her because they were afraid of her, despite her having no such skill in martial arts whatsoever. Not only did she hate her life, she hated herself, eventually resulting into self-harm (which is why she wears the bandages around she wrist). Half a year later, a bunch of boys beat her up while she was walking home. They called her names that she was oh so use to, they hit her and if it wasn't for a certain girl, she might of even died. 

That certain girl was none other than Mitsuji Keiko herself. She was at the scene, obviously amused at the sight. Once Genji was just about to give up on struggling, the name callings disappeared and were replaced by their cries. Keiko saved her, which was why Genji devoted her own life to her. She didn't know why Keiko would save her, she was just a 'murderer's daughter' after all. Genji swore at her, she screamed at her, and cried but that high schooler just gave her a 'I couldn't really give any less s but hey, keep going, if you keep screaming like that you might as well loose your voice if i'm lucky,' expression. When she was finally able to calm herself down, Keiko said something to her. She told her, "You're a murderer's daughter. If you can't escape it, enjoy it," and . That was all it took to make Genji realise what the hell she was doing with her life. 

She spent three years learning martial arts under the teachings of her uncle, he showed her that fighting wasn't all about victory. He showed her the meaning of using her fist and how she should use it, he told her how to control herself. Just after three years, she became a fighting genius – but of course, no where near the skill of Keiko. It was hard, but the only reason why she kept going was for Keiko to acknowledge her as a fighter. Genji was able to defeat every single student in the dojo, earning the title as a child prodigy. But she's not a prodigy. She worked her off day and night just to prove herself worthy to even breath the same air as the legendary Keiko. 

LIFESTYLE: She couldn't care any less about school or her grades, which she usually scores an A if she's not sleeping throughout the test. But if there were anybody teachers would trust, even if it's just a bit, would be her. At least she still calls teachers 'sensei' and uses her honorifics. At home, she's works at the dojo. She's an instructor, although she's only sixteen she's actually quite a very good one. She's not at all struggling like she use to. She's fairly wealthy, living with her uncle and even has a worker coming to her room every morning with breakfast. When she's not at home or school, she'd be organising and collecting information about the gang at the head quarters. 


Likes – Drawing, sometimes it's cute how she thinks she's good at it but you'd want to rip the paper apart and burn it. Martial arts, obviously. Books, suprisingly. She doesn't actual read them, she just likes drawing on the pages and cutting out shapes. Keiko, because's she's ing awesome. 

Dislikes – Cold weather, she gets cold and sick easily. Being woken up in the morning. Males, well, cowardly ones. Insects, they scare the hell out of her, but they usually end up dying anyway (by her one and only bamboo stick).  

Habits – Glaring, she doesn't mean it, it just happens. Yawning, not exactly a habit but she's always sleepy which is why she's so unmotivated to do anything. Eavesdropping, she can't help but hear everything around her. 

Hobbies – Martial Arts, Drawing

Extra – The bamboo stick she carries around is the one her uncle use to hit her on the head with. He loved that bamboo stick, and Genji just happened to start loving it too, since they've been through a lot together. [otp ryte thur] 

She dislikes her first name because one) she got teased for having a male's name in middle school and two) it means two beginnings. She has mixed feelings about the meaning, and stresses out because she doesn't know why her parents would give her such a name. 

She smokes, not often though. 


     GANG POSITION: Vice-Leader

DESPIED: She dislikes Kuroi the most, the newest gang. She she's them as mere amateurs that don't know how to do anything but fight without reason.  

HOW DID YOU JOIN THE RESPECTIVE GANG: Genji joined the game with her somewhat connection with Keiko. Although they weren't exactly close, Keiko saw her as some cute lost brat and brought her to the headquarters from time to time. It wasn't hard for her to get into Senshi, with her advanced fighting skills and high intelligence. Honestly, Keiko didn't want Genji to joined the gang. Although she did take pride as the leader, she didn't want Genji to take a path that may ruin her future, the kid did have a lot of potential. But Genji was stubborn, she fought many students for no reason, ignoring her own oath to only fight with reason, just to make Keiko accept her into the gang. Eventually, she did so. At first, she did get a little cocky. But after a few beatings, she settled down and became who she was now.  

FIGHTING STYLE: Before fighting, Genji would bow and get into position. Her fighting moves are swift and sly, they're gracious and she moves like a swan however she stings like a snake. She's not the strongest in terms of strength, however she's definitely the fastest. You can hardly even keep up with her moves, dodging is just out if the question depending on who you are. Genji doesn't fight without a reason. She's only fight if her opponent is desperate enough for it, or if they've insulted her beloved leader. Whether she wins and looses, at the end she'd still bow at the other out of respect along with a 'good game,' – which pissed alot of people off in the past. 


RELATIONSHIP*: Kobayashi Haruto / 45 / Alive / Dojo owner / instructor / Firm, Gentle, Strong, Wise, Strict / They're close, as in very close. Genji she's her uncle as her father, the father that her real father failed to be. Haruto is Genji's teacher, older brother, uncle and father. 

Kobayashi Daichi / 49 / Alive / Former Professor / Kind, Gentle, Weak, Lost, Pitiful / Genji has no respect what so ever for her father. She doesn't even see him as her father anymore, she sees him as a stranger. Although her father gives her nothing but praises and love, she gives him hurtful words and a broken heart.


RELATIONSHIP*: Mitsuji Keiko / — / Alive / Student / — / Genji certainly does not see it as a friendship, she doesn't see her self worthy of being a friend of Keiko's. Genji see's her as somebody she's devoted her life to, she worships Keiko and would do anything for her. 

Exo Members / — / Alive / Students / — / Not exactly friends, nowhere near friends. Genji just happens to be the girl that doesn't scare them as much as the other girls in the school do, despite being one of the strongest. They seek protection from her but don't often get it. 

RIVAL: N/A. She doesn't see anybody as a rival, they're just simply people to her. People. Oh yes, people. Humans. //idektbh


    BACK-UP: Park Chanyeol

TRAITS: Kris : cocky, stubborn, self-absorbed, competitive, annoyingly tall — Chanyeol : basically the same as Kris.

RELATIONSHIP: Kris : He sees her as some kind of destructive machine. He has to admit, he's afraid of her but can't help but enjoy her presence. He finds it fun being around her, he could pick on her all he wanted and not get in punched or jabbed in the stomach. He finds her sharp tongue and smart, yet hurtful remarks interesting. He's just one of the few people that know how to annoy the hell out of her, finding it useless to just take it (knowing that he'll never stop) she begins to annoy him back. He makes her loose her cool, which hardly anybody but Keiko and her uncle can do. 

Chanyeol : Chanyeol sees her as a rival. He just can't take the fact that he was beaten by a girl, a rather small and weak-looking one too. He tries to piss her off just to get her to fight him again but fails miserably and if he's lucky, embarrassment as a bonus. The only reason why he keeps trying to fight her is because she bet him once, which annoyed him for days. Chanyeol's convinced that Genji is Keiko. 

HOW YOU TWO MET: Kris : Genji was just sitting in the classroom, minding her own business and happily drawing another one of her masterpieces. It was late at night, usually Genji would go home and sleep but it was cold outside and she didn't want to step out of the building. Then a wild Kris appeared. It was dark and the only light visible was from the moon, which was shining on Genji and made her look like a ghost. She scared the out of him and pretended to be one, but once he saw her drawing which was even scarier than a ghost, it was enough to convince him that she was not a ghost. He insulted her drawings, which resulted with a few chairs flying outs window. 

Chanyeol : Genji happened to be that one girl from from Senshi that Chanyeol was dumb enough to try and fight. He actually wanted to fight Keiko, but since Genji didn't want Keiko's hands getting dirty on some worthless elf, she fought in her place, pretending to be Keiko. He was defeated, but swore to beat her some day. 

DESIRED ENDING: aw son, um. a lot of angst, i swear angst is like my thing, i love angst. i don't mind whether she ends up with the guy or not, just. just. angst pls. 



COMMENT/QUESTIONS: im so excited omfg yey, never have I seen such a perfect apply fic omfg. i have to watch this. japan <3 asnjskndjodenowen im a diehard otaku tbh. i don't know if i wrote too little, and my writing is so bad but yeolo hopefully i get chosen. even if i don't, ill probably still read since Japan yo and the authors seem cool. B') 
SCENE REQUESTS: Exo trying to hide behind Genji in some kind of situation. Kai attempts to flirt with Genji, however he ends up getting knee'd in the gut by both Genji and Kris. Chanyeol and Genji's first meeting. Genji visits the prison because either Keiko, Kris or somebody else forced her to talk to her father. Keiko decided to embarass her somehow, cause you know being kawaiis and alls. Both leaders of both Senshi and Henshin gone off to do something, then she and the vice-leader of Henshin have to lead the gang for a few hours. They're doing a pretty good job, but a member of both gangs end up getting into a fight which resulted in the whole lot of them fighting. Genji tries to stop hers but it ends up getting out of control – her leader gets angry at her, and Genji's in a ty mood of the rest of the day. 

PASSWORD: are you serious? 



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