Woollim Ent. Girl Group

I heard a rumor a while back that Woollim Entertainment would finally have their first girl group. I checked just to be sure, & it's true!! Infinite will finally have a sister group (Tasty if more of their little brothers). The comapny does have female singers, but they've only had solo artists up to this point...not trying to offend anyone. The group's name will be Radiance, which will consist the total number of members either 7 or 9. However, they won't debut until 2014. Still, excited though!!! :D


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That sounds great......I can't wait into their Debut. I hope that their music is as awesome and great as Infinite.
I heard about them, I think one of the members starred in 'YAMO' with Infinite^^ Can't wait for the group, woollim makes excellent artists.