Fic rec?

I am in desperate need of reading new fics. Do you have any recommendations? 

I prefer 2min, jongkey, or anything SHINee. 

I really enjoy up-to-par prose style and a dmn good plot line. I've read almost all of ichigosama's works, wolfburglar's, mikksi's, shineekitten, cereal,  and other good writers. I need new addictions. 

Please suggest long fics so I can emotionally invest my time good literature. Thank you. 


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predicted accident by pearlaqualove is one i would rec too

and yep, going to suggest two of mine (whether or not they are up to your standards) ... except there are no real pairings in them so ...
1000 years (
Quitting (although I dont see myself updating that for a while) (
Sweetboo #2
well i would suggest to you to read
self-dignosis by Phantomous
predicted accident by PearlAquaLove
Qualities of a leader by readerisme

i'm not sure if its you liking of not but hope you enjoy reading it . hwaiting ~
I recommend xdeadfredx's "Le Petit Cafe." The OTP is onho and a bit of jongkey, and it's a really good fluffy story with a few splashes of angst. The dialogue is outstanding, the flow is very nice, and the plot line is above average. Even if you don't ship onho you should read it!
taetastic #4
This Time of Night by Jiayun
The Showdown by Sammery
Behind Stained-Glass Windows by ninja
It's Always The Quiet Ones by maknae-nichole
Grace by cookeyiesu
Worthy of Love by butterflybabe13
How We've Grown by MsMonster
I have a few stories you can check out if you want, but they're nothing special.
I also have a fic rec if you want more:
Would you consider BAP? I know that is not what you asked for but there is a truly amazing fic that I think you would like...
Would it be too much to ask if you invest some of that time into my literature? And if you could give me some feedback on my writing as well?

Sorry if it's a bit blunt but you don't have to if you don't want to.