Snowflakes App Form || OC's AJ






❅ Winter Child

Username: AliceHwang1

Activeness: 9

What should I call you: Alice or Lih ^.^



❅ Ice Flower



Name: Jung Ji Ae

English name: Sophia Jung


  • AJ - Her friends call her that, is a kind of shorthand for her name.
  • Jinny - Her friends the california called so when Ji Ae said her Korean name for them.

Birth Date: 1996/10/28

Age: 16

Birth Place: California, USA

Hometown: California, USA / With 12 years, Seoul, South Korea.

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: Korean ( Fluent ) / English ( Fluent ) / Japanese ( Basic ) / Mandarin ( Basic )

Blood Type: AB



❅ Superstar



Face Claim: Kim Shin Yeong

Style: The AJ style is very modern and feminine. She likes to wear skirts and dresses, never pantry the heels. AJ is always updating her wardrobe with clothes of famous brands and limited editions, which are those that are always in fashion. But AJ also likes to wear comfortable clothes, but that are nonetheless elegant. Ji Ae is usually wearing dresses or skirts. She really likes it and also denim shorts, but she does not really like pants.

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Height: 165cm

Weight: 42kg

Position: Maknae, Lead vocalist



❅ Like A Star


Backup face claim:  Park Seul Ki

Backup position: Main vocalist, Sub dancer


❅ What are you doing today?

Personality: Ji Ae is a very cheerful girl and super agitated, which can be very childish, the day she is sad, one day is quite rare. The fact is that she simply does not let anyone or anything spoil the joy she feels. Her jokes and pranks can amuse everyone, and she loves it, knowing that people like her for her sense of humor and also for her to be herself, which makes her happy. So Ji Ae is always up to something new, even more when it gets too quiet. And even without making jokes, people laugh with her, Ji Ae is very clumsy and it already did spend a lot of shame. She usually is falling or dropping things almost everywhere she goes. But if you think she is shy or embarrassed in front of others, you're wrong, she laughs herself and even tells jokes about herself to others, making everyone enjoy themselves enough with their stories. Even that sometimes does not want to, she is a talkative girl. When she starts talking, often have to be interrupted because she talks too fast and causing people do not understand very well what she is talking about. She also often speaks through stupid things without thinking, making the move a little embarrassed because of it, but she does not care because Ji Ae has always been the kind of girl who does not care about the opinion of others but to her .

When people look for Ji Ae, fail to realize, well, until they can, but not very suspicious. The fact is that Ji Ae is a very spoiled girl who always gets everything she wants, at the time she want, and if she can not? Well, she just will do anything to get it, just that she is not the type of person who will go over the other, she uses other types of "secret weapons". An example is his aegyo, nobody can really resist her aegyo, and for this reason, it is more use to get what she wants. Some people like their friends, have become accustomed to it and can resist all that cuteness she uses, but people who not know it just fall for her angelic face. She really likes to act innocent in front of others, even if she is not as innocent as shown. She likes to spend a cute image and beautiful for everyone, so that people think she is naive, and this is something that it simply is not. Ji Ae not falls into the joke of others easily, so people who want to play with she, always get bad. Therefore, she always says it's a good actress and could make many films.

Is she a girl who brags too much, and because of this can sometimes be hated by some. Ji Ae is really competitive, it has to win at everything and losing is not in their vocabulary, or that she has to cheat, she will win. And maybe then rub in the face of those who lost as well, but that's not the case. Another thing about Ji Ae, is that she loves to eat, and is much envied by some girls because of her beautiful body, she even coma for five people, she simply is not fattening easily so having a beautiful body to envy in many girls, well, maybe the only thing fat on her, are her cheeks are really cute. A girl very lazy defines exactly Ji Ae. Wow, she is laziness in person, can sleep for a whole day, she can stay without waking up at least once, and almost never do their tasks, their parents often have to blackmail her very much for her to do something house. Well, can not blame her, a person who grows with employees who do everything for her, will simply be lazy. Even if she is lazy even to do their homework with a teacher mother, she takes very high grades in school, leaving her parents proud of her as well.

Ji Ae, is quite dreamy and often fails to pay attention to something, it is always dreaming, she believes in fairy tales, and always dreams of her prince charming. Ji Ae does not let anyone take it away from your head and make her believe it's a lie. Besides being a very hopeful, she is a girl super stubborn. As a girl who hates to lose, she will insist the person to death. She'll never admit you're wrong, even if it is. And if the person continues with her stubborn, sure Ji Ae will be very angry or even upset. When she is angry, she can punch someone or something strongly, or even throwing objects in random places without worrying if it will hurt someone or not. And when she is upset with someone, she tends to ignore the person for a long time. Even for a small thing, Ji Ae will not give cakewalk for anyone. For this reason, she can defend very well who she really loves, with that, she makes many friends. She just hates when someone hurts someone she loves and if it happens, Ji Ae becomes a very vindictive and aggressive, and can do things without thinking, but your friends always manage to calm her down. Anyway ... Ji Ae is a different girl, and with a very good heart.

She hates pretending to be someone she is not, so it simply will be herself with everyone on stage, with members, off the stage and so on.

Persona: The Lovely bubbly / The Aegyo Queen / The Giant Baby / The Bubbly Shikshin

Background life: Ji Ae was born in Californie, USA. Her father is Korean and has a great company in Seoul. Her mother is Korean and is a teacher in one of the best schools in Seoul. Her family is considered rich and big business. Ji Ae grew up with everything they wanted, her parents never left that lacked nothing for her, making her become a little spoiled. Her childhood was very prestigious, a childhood that every child would love to have. Best clothes, the best toys, the best schools, many friends, maids, a huge house .... Such was the childhood Ji Ae, for she was truly a fairy tale.

When small Ji Ae always wanted to be an actress, she dreamed of being on television and make many dramas. So they put their parents in a drama class, where she learned many things related. But as time went on, she began to listen to music, specifically American pop. Her desire to be an actress dwindled more she heard music. With 10 years Ji Ae met a Korean girl who was traveling with her parents, they became good friends and this girl talked about kpop for Ji Ae. She was interested and find more about this style of music. Initially, she had not liked because she found very different, even her father being Korean, he never spoke in Korean with Ji Ae, so for her, the language was different and she knew nothing. However, as she was looking for more songs, Ji Ae slowly began to like it and find it very good. What she liked the dances were well planned and addictive rhythms. She began to imitate the dancing and singing the songs of kpop, especially SNSD, who was the group she most enjoyed, they inspired a lot.

When Ji Ae completed 12, her parents said they would have to move to south korea, her parents thought it would take Ji Ae to accept it, but was instead Ji Ae was thrilled she would be going to the country kpop, well, half of it was also sad because she would leave her friends behind. At first it was very difficult Ji Ae adapt to the culture, language and food. After a while she managed to learn Korean, but her was all Canadian accent and was funny when she spoke. She still misses some things in Korean, but their language is better. Often Ji Ae still uses the American culture, as people did not bow of respect, or even hug people to greet them. After insisting too, 13 years old, her parents left to do auditions for SM Entertainment , she really wanted to get into this business because of SNSD, it was her passion, and Exo, who had become her third passion after BAP She did the auditions, but was rejected the first time, but since Ji Ae is a stubborn girl, she did not give up and tried again, this time she passed.She was very happy she could be a trainee and was a step to realize her dream. Ji Ae was a girl that applied very well trained, well, still had those times she slept more than trained, but other than that, it was very good. However, her parents made her promise to never stop studying.

Trainee life: Ji Ae convinced her parents to let her do the auditions in SM, and how her parents always supported her dream, left. Ji Ae is not the type of girl who gets really nervous to do something because she is pretty confident. But on the day of the hearings, her heart almost quit the mouth. Even with much nervousness, she did a great test. She sang Call Me maybe and danced Damaged. After a few days after the test, it was announced that she had become a trainee. Ji Ae was very happy and promised herself that she would be applied and that her dreams will come true. She was well known within the SM, both by trainees when for some artists. Her personality made ​​her very popular there. Life as a trainee, was very quiet. She had many friends who supported her, and her parents who were always there to encourage her.

Trainee years: 3 Years



Park Chanyeol || 20 || Exo's member || 7

Kim Taeyeon || 24 || SNSD's member || 7

Kim Namjoo || 18 | A pink's member || 5

Jung Daehyun || 20 || B.A.P's member || 6

Best friends: 

Xi Luhan || 23 || Exo's member || 9

Jung Soo Jung ( Krystal ) || 19 || f(x)'s member || 9

Seo Johyun || 22 || SNSD's member || 9

Rival:  Bang Min Ah || 20 || Girl's day's member || When she was backstage at music core, she saw Minah screaming and offending employee. Ji Ae hate people like that, and went to her, defending the person. Minah thought Ji Ae was an innocent girl, by their appearance, however, was wrong. When she began to intimidate Ji Ae, she repented enough. Ji Ae can offend someone even a few words, or even with his cold stare.

Family: Park Kyung Mi | 47 | Businessman | He is a very busy man, but always has time for his family. Outside of work, he is very funny and amiable. But in his work he is a hard man, but is a great boss. Everyone likes him very much. |  AJ is very close to her father. In normal, many children are afraid of her father, but is unlike AJ. She is very attached to her father and was never afraid of him, because the two are always fun and AJ respects very well her father, as he deserves. Her father can sometimes spoil quite AJ, but he does not want to make her daughter a girl snob.

Park So Hee | 45 | Teacher | She is a very amiable woman. Love her family and her work too, always takes good care of everyone. Whenever she can spend time with Ji Ae, the two talk a lot and Ji Ae confident enough in their mother. | AJ and her mother get along well. They are always together, when her mother is not busy. Her mother helps a lot with school work and AJ usually helps in the work of her mother. They have much fun together and whenever you can, go to the mall or elsewhere. AJ relies heavily on her mother and tells her everything.


  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Music
  • Watch TV
  • Ice Cream
  • Cookies
  • Cake
  • Mall
  • Friends
  • Family
  • Winter/Snow
  • Rain
  • Smile
  • Pink and blue
  • Bubbles


  • Fake people
  • Bossy people
  • Vegetable
  • Be reprimanded
  • Cry
  • Bullying
  • Cats
  • Heat
  • Math


  • Photography
  • Drawing
  • Reading
  • Swimming


  • Biting lips.
  • Throw objects when she gets irritated or even punch someone.
  • Waking up in the night to eat food from the refrigerator.
  • Talking in her sleep.
  • Is always looking in the mirror to check their appearance.
  • Walking from one side to the other when she is nervous or anxious.  


  • Dark
  • Height
  • Clown
  • Death
  • Insects


  • Has a dog called Fairy.
  • Is allergic to shrimp so often go without eating Korean food, which usually has shrimp.
  • She always takes her camera to where she is, to take selcas and photos of several things like landscapes.
  • She is very flexible and was called "Elastic Girl" by her friends.
  • Like of bears, and always sleeps with a teddy bear, which she gave the name Chocobear, because he is brown.
  • What does she like to eat is burger. She can eat 2 hamburgers integers without getting full.
  • Love to listen music.
  • Can't cook very well. She has burned a water.
  • She is always taking your Iphone and your headphones when going out or traveling.
  • Not fattening easily.
  • Even she was chatty and cheerful. She gets nervous talking to a boy she likes and can even stutter.
  • Like to drink milk before bed.
  • She always goes shopping to buy new clothes when she tires of her clothes.
  • She has a very cute aegyo that no one can resist, less her friends and their parents.
  • It may not look it, but she's a very strong girl.
  • She is popular in SM Entertainment because of her personality.
  • Appeared in B1A4's MV, Only learned bad thing / Exo's MV, Wolf / SHINee's MV, Replay / Teen top's MV, Miss right / B.A.P' s MV, Never give up 

Personal skills/talents: 

  • Playing piano and guitar
  • High notes
  • Acting
  • Flexibility



❅ I Got a Boy



Love Interest: Kim Jongin ( Kai )

Age: 19

Job: Exo's member

His personality: Kai is a very playful boy, however, is also very shy to speak in public, so many times, he is still in his corner. He is very polite, but also can be very possessive and jealous too. Considered the iest of the group, he can not do very well aegyo, so when it does, is funnier than cute. Kai is not very talkative with strangers, but when he knows the person better, becomes a very fun and playful. He is polite with elders and treat everyone well, but loves teasing Ji Ae, so often the two are discussing.

But he began to feel something stronger for she, and becomes very jealous when she's with other boys. However, he does not want to say anything to her and the only person that knows about it is D.O. He actually had never fallen in love with a girl, but he began to feel pretty when Ji Ae were shooting the MV Wolf. The personality of Ji Ae really charmed him. Anyway ... Kai is a different boy.

His persona: The Flower Boy

How/Why did you start to like him: Actually Ji Ae have liked to Exo, Kai Luhan and were their favorite members. So when she learned that would film the drama version of Wolf, she was very happy. During the recording, she became very close to Luhan, as he was practically the protagonist of the MV along with she. She also found Kai prettier in person. Anyway, after the MV, she did not see much of them. However, one day she was walking through the building of SM when he saw Kai Wolf rehearsing the dance, she was watching. She was impressed by his dance that neither saw that Kai was no longer there when she looked around the room she saw no one. But she was surprised when he saw Kai behind her laughing at the scared she did. Kai was playing with her. And as always, Ji Ae started speaking gibberish and super fast. After this day, the two became closer, but Kai is always teasing her. He even us skinship with her, making her blush most of the time. Ji Ae was normal for it, she thought it was in a friendly way. But Kai began to be very jealous for her, and so he used more skinships like hugging, taking her hand or even kiss on his cheek. His heart started beating faster when she was close to Kai. She tried to get away from him because she was in love with him, could destroy his career and even his dream. But worse, because she missed him. Then she went back to normal with him, but his heart is still beating very fast. 


❅ Pretty Boy



Backup Love interest: Oh Sehun

Age: 19

Job: Exo's member

His personality: Same as above

His persona: The Flower boy



❅ Day By Day



Your motto: " Never give up your dream. One day it will come true, just believe. "

Fanclub name: Bubbles

Fanclub item: Bubbles

Fanclub colours:          #99ffff


Comments: Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me ^.^ I could not take everything that is bold. I clicked to take, but did not take.

Suggestions: None ^.^

Scene request:

  • Ji Ae is rehearsing her dance with Kai. And Kai often touches her to help her with the dance and Ji Ae makes blush always.
  • Kai is teasing Ji Ae, however, she begins to talk too. Kai sighs and does something unexpected ... He kisses her, it was just a peck, but Ji Ae is motionless and wide-eyed.
  • Kai is jealous of Ji Ae and Luhan.
  • Kai gives Ji Ae a ring with his name.
  • Weekly idol, All the kpop, Hello baby with Snow Flakes

Password: Snowflakesjjang




t h a n k y o u s o m u c h f o r a p p l y i n g!




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