Maybe.. good genes? HAHA! I look like my mom (:

I don't know. Some of you said she looks young. O.O She does? I think she looks old, not that I don't love her, I do, but I am just stating the truth. The part about looking like my mom.. many people said that.. like.. MANY.

On the side note, I really want her bag, LOL! You can't see it here, it's this bag.

It's so preeeettttyyyyyyy! I want it T.T She really has taste when it comes to bags -.-



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VIP_Bee #1
One of my cousins also have that bag.i also like it but imma more into slim bags and clutches xD
She looks...30ish 40ish?
You guys have the same cute perky cheeks ^_^
My mom has not aged this past 10 years. Like if I took that photo of me and her ten years ago and cut me out and gave her a haircut right now, you probably couldn't tell the difference besides that she has a scar on her nose now.
how old is your mom? she looks young
Gemmie .... 0.0 she looks young huhahaha