☬ Obscure; The Paradox Application » Haru Goo

O B S C U R E ; H A R U   G O O  ; L E A D E R

username: jamestkirk  avtivity level: 4.5


Who Am I?

Name: Goo Haru

  • Haru {his parents / friend - just his name 'Haru' }
  • Pandaboo {close friends / sibling - his eyes are like panda's eyes}
  • Captain {close friends - his the leader of the team after all}

Gender: male
Ethnicity: korean
Date of Birth:  07/08/1990
Age: 23
Blood Type: ab
68kg ||149.914 lbs?
Place of Birth: nagasaki, japan.

It's Only A Mask

Apperance: Tae Yang
Links: one two three four  five

Back up: go sang gil
Links: hana dul sae

Apparel: pls ignore the face, thank you <3

Casual:  one two three
Professional: one two three
Formal: one two

Other: he got a birthmark looking like a starshape on his left shoulder


Into The Depths of Me


He is confident with his own plan and his decision, he always thought that his decision would work very good and it won't be a failure tho some of his decision might worsen the situation. however, he is a total laidback and he dislike to do something neither to fast or too slow, he'd like to do it in a relaxing way. he is sometimes a stubborn guy when he overdo his job and it might put his friends worrying about his health but he always tried to make his friends to not worry about his health or whatsoever it is. he sometimes being such a flirt, he likes to be around the girls more and asking if they're fine or not, he is easy to fall in love but he rarely shows his affection towards his friends, he have dirty mind about girls too sometimes but he have a good cover about it.

other than his flirty and confident personality he is someone who don't believe in 'no winning scenarios' he would like to put on his best to gain victory in every way he can use, he is ambitious and always love challenging things. he is also protective to his friends, sometimes he would lie just in order to protect his friends and even break the rules of the obsecure. being the leader makes him gets worried easily around his friends situation and often asked if they're okay or not, and if he gets too worried about his friends or when he have a problem at the end he would drink a glass of red wine to loosen his complicated thoughts. in overall he is just someone who could become a total confident-laidback and protective person with a bit of ambitious and flirty personality.

special: when alcohol took control of his mind, he'd become a total annoying and blunt person. he'd say anything bluntly and sometimes he would start saying dirty things that would sometimes makes his friends feels disgust to him. he also start being clingy around his friends and would like to cling to their neck the most. often he would sometimes tell some of his secrets to his friends as well.


  • he likes reading so much, it could help him to relaxed his mind
  • he enjoys drinking red wine and sometimes he might just got drunk, it is too loosen his streesful mind
  • he likes photography, especially scenary photography...it's basically because his father is a photographer
  • eating. he likes to eat snacks or junk foods during his free time, basically it was to fullfil his energy
  • sherlock tv series. sometimes it could be his inspiration or whatsoever, he learned to become a good observer by watching sherlock.
  • listening to music. of course it is for relaxing his mind, he likes to listen to the music while reading books
  • playing games. he likes to spare his time by playing games as well, especially detective games.
  • rainy days. it is calming and he likes the weather that could calmed his mind
  • winter season. he likes to play snowball fights and celebrating christmas
  • soccer ball. when he was younger he likes playing soccer with his father.


  • cartoons. for him it is annoying and it might just ruined his mind
  • summer season. it is too hot and he couldn't handle too hot weather
  • comics. sometimes he think comics are too unlogical
  • problems. he tried to avoid problems because he might got drunk if he couldnt handle problems
  • smoking. he dislike the smoking scent, it is disturbing him as well.
  • fish. he dislike fish for some unknown reason, he said it's too disgusting and smells bad
  • murder. he is a peacekeeper basically and he doesnt kill life.


  • writing a journal or something like that
  • photography of some scene or just his friends
  • playing online games on his laptop


  • when he drunk, he'd like to chuckled and call his friends as 'sweetie'
  • he kicks when he was sleeping
  • when he was too stressed sometimes he'd go backhugging someone who is near to him


Who Is This Family You Speak Of?


father | Goo Myungjoo | 49

mother | Sae Mira | 51

younger sister | Haemi Goo | 16

Family History:

when he was 9 his sister was nowhere to be found in the house and because he was panicked and afraid that his sister might be lost he suddenly could hear and track down his sister. he was utterly confused at the time he finally found his sister because of his tracking ability, on the night after the incident he tells his parents' about it and even shows his power to track down things and read his father's mind. he ended up getting rid by his father, telling that his father scared of his ability. he was being a stray for a long time until he meet someone that also have a special ability and the someone told him to come along to the obscure with this someone.


My Only Real Family

Best Friend:

choi ji ra | 23 | ??? | close friends

the senior is someone whom he meet first during his journey in obsecure. he likes to talk a lot with her and share thoughts about his personal life or even talks about his other friends. when he feels like loosing his control he would like her to accompany him.


the right-hand | ??? | ??? | buddies

if jira wasnt around, the right-hand would be his friend for drinking and stuff, he likes to talk about a lot of stuff that happen between them as well

and other than that all of his friends would be the obsecure peeps' c:


It's Supernatural

Position: the leader
Power: telepathy and enchanced tracking
In Particular: his hair would change into a bit darken when he was tracking someone and his eyes would change into a crystal blue when he was doing telepathy

Fears: death or people getting killed right beside him
Weakness: fishes ; easy to get drunk
Advantages: his ambitious personality that would always put his spirit up


See You In The After Life

Comments/Suggestions/Questions?: nope, i hope ya' choose me :3 anyways his height is 187cm



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