Fashion terrorist: KRIS WU! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!

Sorry man, Kris. I love you. I really love you. I really do love you. I do. But please, burn those clothes! They can never be seen in the night or day, ever! They make you look like a rich wealthy ladyman.


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VIP_Bee #1
That pants -_- lol and his look said that dont laugh xD hak hak
Hahaha.epic. i just can't.haha
Chanyeol: WTF man did you steal GD's clothes or something
LOLOLOL LOOK AT HIS FACE CX its like "why am I here?" cx
pfffffttt!....XD I'm sorry but Kris you are really a fashion crime. You might be bashed if you were to see Jay Manuel in that attire.
Hahaha~..Okay, whose fault was this? Coordi noona?
Angel_HunHannie #6
haha by the way ...everyone mind if u look at Chanyeol?? Wahaha i think he hates Kris attire xD
Angel_HunHannie #7
wahaha ...watta' y y face ahjumma !! ;"D haha sorry to say this but it u hell man krisus :'3
HiLoHappiness #8
meanwhile, chanyeol was behind hime with all his glory and handsomeness...
Even though the picture is 2 to 3 month old I still cant get over what he was wearing. Lol.....I wonder if he lost a bet.
O.O mother of Kay's unicorns!!!
Ahjumma pants xD
OhMiho #12
Yup, I've seen it with my lil sis and 2gether we're laughing so hard! Kekeke..
fail dude! seriously XDDDDDDD u look like an old man~ XD