Is SM doing it on purpose?

Am I the only one finding it suspicious that EXO's video keeps being leaked online? It may be a way to get them more attention. (In Korea.) And I'm hating it so much if it's that way. Don't you find it weird that their videos keeps being leaked? DBSK has lots of fans too, sasaeng fans. SJ too. GG too. If their system was that easy to hack, people would probably get those songs and videos and leaked them online too, right? From what I know, GG is much known than EXO. SJ too. I don't see their videos being leaked. But EXO.. EXO's videos kept being leaked. Why only them? Unless it's a scheme of SM's. You know what I mean? Being leaked and stuff, people gets more curious and would go ahead and search it up. Maybe it's just me. But who knows? I really find it weird. And a little disappointed. Though I was one of those that watched 'Growl's' leaked video. Well, leaking the video online then pretending to take it down saying that some hackers leaked it online might actually get more people to look at the official release, because they're really curious about the fuss. If it is their plan, they sure are succeeding. Because my brother actually looked up the video, and he hates KPOP BUT! He said that the EXO boys weren't that bad. (Except he keeps calling them a pack of wolves instead of EXO. And my sister calls them -.-)


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okay probably not but I just don't even bother caring now >.<
haha4006 #2
I heardit was a trainee that released it
i just talked abt it with my sister. we wonder who did it, if some fan hacked the system, there might not only exo vids that leaked but also the others.
i just talked abt it with my sister. we wonder who did it, if some fan hacked the system, there might not only exo vids that leaked but also the others.
.............really? I didn't know about that.
HAHAHAHAHAHA XDD hilarious! Your brother calls them a pack of wolves. XD
Owh~ O.O;;;;;;;~ >_<! muahhhhaahahha soo funny your brother calls them pack of wolves and your sister calls them ```poor exo :'D
They said that one of the SM trainee leaked it -.-
Lols yeah me too kinda curious too , I love GG and A Sone but thier MV's or songs arent leaked or whatsoever , though they are way popular than exo huahaha I dont really know but its got exotics hmm really curious huahah