It's just an apply fic application, don't mind me~




fab vs. drab

fab vs. drab



================================the style bible. ===========


  name: Caidence Carmichael 

   nickname: Caidy

   activity level (1-5): 5


   birthday: January 14

   age: 22

   height & weight: Maybe 5'4", around 120 lb


   birthplace: Massachusetts

   hometown: Boston

   ethnicity: Caucasian. (If you wanted to get technical, her ancestry is

           originally Scottish, who then moved to Ireland, and eventually to 





================================be couture today. ========


   Personality: Like her capricious sign indicates, Caidy is ambitious, highly

     driven, and extremely disciplined. She also has very big dreams. From a 

    young and impressionable age, she has stared starry-eyed at every fashion

    magazine she could get her hands on. She knows every big designer's

    name, and she can recognize their work. And she wants nothing more than

    to become one of them. So, after going to a rather prestigious design 

    school in New York City, and ultimately ending up no closer to her dream

    than before, she thought she might try her luck and go straight to the 

    fashion capitol of the world: Paris. She cringes every time she's reminded

  of all the debt she's racking up, but she tries not to think about it. After all,

  in a few years, she'll be a huge name, and paying those off will be cake, 

                                                                                                                                                      right? ... Right. She tries not to freak out, as risks like that generally go 

                                                                                                                                                     against her better judgement. Which, unbeknownst to Caidy, seems to be her

                                                                                                                                                       problem! I mean, how can she have gone to Parsons and still be a nobody?!

                                                                                                                                                      Why is it that a person who knows nothing about fashion, who hasn't even

                                                                                                                                                      heard of Betsey Johnson, or Vera Wang, or Giorgio Armani, or Christian 

                                                                                                                                                      Dior for that matter, can be more talented than her? She becomes so

                                                                                                                                                     frustrated, because she tries so hard, and she does everything right. But her 

                                                                                                                                                     professor will tell her that she lacks originality. She needs to find her own 

                                                                                                                                                      voice. Stop trying to be a top designer, and just be Caidy. Don't worry about

                                                                                                                                                    creating something that is high fashion, and just create something beautiful.

                                                                                                                                                    In essence, she needs to stop using her head so much, and start listening to 

                                                                                                                                                     her heart.


   Keywords: Driven, persistent, disciplined, cautious (doesn't like to take risks), strives to impress, image-centered, feminine.


















a-list model (primary ulzzang): Bella Thorne


   b-list model (back-up): Roberta Murgo Thaise (the pics where she's less ualized)










-----------------------------------------breathe carolina-------



(the pink box thing, I clicked on it and it shifted and I couldn't figure out how to put it back and I panicked and deleted it.....)




your choice of house: Dior I suppose would be it.



your choice of position: Illustrator



likes: Well, she adores feminine things. Pretty things. Lace and floral print.



dislikes: Smoking, risks, being reprimanded, getting lost, getting too dirty (ie: mud, rust... it's one thing if you go to the beach and get sand on you, it's another

if you get splashed by a car after it rains.)



hobbies: Well, designing. But she designs within a box, her own creativity comfort zone. She daydreams a lot, that is when she isn't actually working toward

making those dreams a reality.



habits: She refrains from cursing. She thinks it makes her seem unattractive if she curses. But when she's particularly frustrated or upset, she does curse, and it's

rather surprising to anybody who's used to her usual good girl exterior. When she's nervous, she fidgets, and when she feels like she really needs to impress

somebody (for example, the CEO of the Dior house) she has a slight tendency to stutter or mesh her words. Her voice also gets higher and she speaks faster when

she's either nervous, or really upset or stressed. 



fears: Failure. That's the big one. She fears she'll never make it, and never be good enough. More simply, she is afraid of getting lost. Also dogs, but only when

they bark or snap at her. It's not that she doesn't like dogs, but a y pomeranian sitting on a silk pillow is just as intimidating as an angry doberman.

Conversely, a timid beagle that crouches by her feet and lets her pet it isn't so scary. (lol I don't know where that came from)



trivia: Caidy is a city girl through and through. She knows her way around public transit, but she'd be lost anywhere without a sidewalk and a bunch of signs to

tell her where she is. She also doesn't take risks often. Aside from pursuing her dream, but she will not compromise on that. In her mind, it is her calling, she

is destined to work alongside the big names in fashion. She will have nothing else. Which is why she takes huge risks, such as going to a terrifyingly expensive

school and moving halfway around the world. She will stop at nothing. And if she fails, it's because she clearly didn't try hard enough to get there.






























drab vs. fab

drab vs. fab



========================heels high, head higher. ==========


   haute-couture: My Everything


   his personality: At first glance, Suho his the highly successful and suave

CEO of the House of Christian Dior. And Caidy is starstruck. The CEO of Dior

is a former student of her professor, and he's going to helping out her class!

She goes through this mental reality check every time there's a new

development in their relationship. (The CEO to the House of Dior is going to

be turtoring me!) She becomes more relaxed around him when she realizes

he's not so intimidating after all. (And she might think it's really cute when 

he stumbles over his shoes on his way out of the elevator.) However, as this 

goes on, she becomes disillusioned by him. He's the freaking CEO of the

House of Dior! Shouldn't he be more composed than this?! How can someone

be so imperfect and yet have such an important position? She becomes both

frustrated with herself and with Suho. This guys is supposed to be her key to

success, and he's hopeless! How can she learn anything from him?


   scenario requests: There must be a point in time where she loses her 

composure. She's reached her limit, and she vents out all of her frustrations

to the only person who seems to pay any attention to her: her "tutor". She 

curses for the first time in front of him likely, and she stops trying to act perfect in 

front of him, she just breaks down until she's left as bare and raw and human and 

base as she can possibly get. This is probably around when she acknowledges Suho's

flaws as simply a part of him, she gets over the fact that he isn't perfect, and she sees 

him as another human as opposed to the person who could potentially be holding the key 

to her future. (I suppose this is less of a scenario...)


Something with dogs.




===============================hasta la vista. ============




   quests & suggests: Ummm... I guess what I put for scenarios is really more of a suggestion, huh?


   password?: Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.






















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