


Park Ha Neul

` pleasure to meet you)


character's name! Park Ha Neul
nicknames! Hani - It's a friendly way to call the name of Ha Nel. - She always asks that call she of Hani, then all call her that. 
birthdate! 1996/10/24
height & weight! 165cm / 53kg
birthplace! Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity! Korean
languages! Korean ( Fluent ) / English ( Fluent ) / Japanese ( Semi-fluent ) / Mandarin ( Basic )


`behind the screen )

username AliceHwang1
what should i call you? Alice or Lih
any questions or comments?None ^.^


` listen to my history )

description of personality! Hani is a girl very agitated and excited. Do not have a day that she is not happy and excited, so she makes friends very fast. She manages to amuse everyone with just her playful smile, but of course, that entertains more with your tricks and jokes that she does all the time. Hani is always ready, even more when it gets too quiet. She grew up taking private lessons of all kinds, such as behavior, posture, among other classes. But sometimes Hani did not want to become a princess, there are many rules and many things she does not like it, but since it is their duty, she does it with a lot of responsibility and love, because she wants her parents proud of her. On the other hand, she also loves to become princess, since she grew up with all the good and the best, she became very spoiled. So to be a princess, she would have many benefits in addition to having many things that every girl dreams of having.
Continuing with the personality of Hani ... She is a girl who is not ashamed of anything, She speaks very well with everyone and even with strangers, so she can have many friends in a short time. Hani can enjoy it all, even without doing anything. She is very clumsy and is always falling or dropping things everywhere she goes, but she's focusing a lot on doing everything right to become a great princess. She is very spoiled, always gets everything she wants and just at the time she wants. And if she can not? Well, she will use her "secret weapon", which is the aegyo. Nobody can resist their cuteness, so she will always act innocently with everyone. But her friends have become accustomed to it and can resist her angelic face.
Hani is very competitive, losing is not your vocabulary, so she will do everything to be sure of winning, even if she has to cheat. And she is a girl who brags too much, so if she gets someone, she sure will rub in the face of the loser. Or even brags about her beauty or what is making some people hate it. Hani, even being a prominent family and having to serve as a model for many people, she eats a lot and just do not gain weight easily. Hani really love food, and is always eating. She sometimes eats for 4 people. Fairy Tales is one of the things Hani loves, she really loves fairytale and believe in all of them. She also will not let anyone take it away from your head. She dreams of finding her prince charming and so will do everything to find him. But she wants a prince she knows, not what he parents want for her. Sometimes she gets very upset with her parents because of it. Anyway ... Hani is a different girl, even with its faults, has a very good heart.

character's background! Hani was born in Seoul, specifically, in the district of Gangnam, one of the richest of Seoul. She comes from a very rich and family great influence worldwide. With this, Hani grew up with all the good and the best. Her parents never left that lacked nothing for her, and it ended up leaving a very spoiled. Since small Hani had private lessons in behavior, posture and other classes that left Hani ready to be a great princess. However, since childhood, she was a little girl very happy and agitated, that often forgets his duty and her posture. She wanted and not wanted at the same time become princess, but her parents would be proud of her, she was, so she is training hard for it. Her childhood was very prestigious and Hani was treated like a real princess. Best clothes, the best toys, mansions, maids, butlers, best school ... was exactly like the life of Hani in fact still is. She had the life that every girl wants to be really, must be why she became so happy and dreamy girl, who will always look for her prince charming.
Even Hani growing up, she never stopped taking private lessons, but still goes to school. Hani had many friends and was very popular in her school, but she knew many people who were with her, it was because of her status. Only it does not really matter to her, Hani is the type of girl who will not let anyone spoil your joy, or manipulate it. As she grew, her classes were delving more and Hani was getting tired of it, she wanted to be just a normal girl. Even though she was super spoiled and loved stewardship all we received a princess, she wanted to be just a girl who can go out with her friends often. But she will not give up to become a princess to be proud of their parents. At 16, her parents enrolled in a school to train girls to become great princesses, marry a prince and can govern. Hani is a girl who does not like to lose and since they put it to their parents. She will work hard to be one of the best.
why did she become a p.i.t? From small, Hani was taught everything to have the potential for a real princess. Her parents always gave all the good and the better for it, so Hani feels the duty to be very proud of them. Even though she sometimes does not want to become a princess and even marry the prince, she hates to see his parents sad. And she knows that they just do it for your own good. So her parents decided the future of Hani from when she was still in the belly of his mother, and she really can not disappoint them.

- Eating
- Sleeping
- Mall
- Winter / snow
- Ice cream
- Fairytale
- friends
- family
- Music
- Watch TV
- Candy
- movies
- smile

- Horror movie
- Height
- Dark
- Fake people
- Insects
- Rules
- Bossy people
- Boring people
- Vegetable
- Cats

- Photography
- Drawing
- Buying
- Playing piano and guitar

- Has a dog called Prince
- Talking in her sleep.
- Biting lips.
- Throw objects when she gets irritated or even punch someone.
- Waking up in the night to eat food from the refrigerator.
- Is always looking in the mirror to check their appearance.
- Walking from one side to the other when she is nervous or anxious.
- Isallergic to shrimp so often go without eating Korean food, which usually has shrimp.
- She always takes her camera to where she is, to take selcas and photos of several things like landscapes.
- She is very flexible and was called "Elastic Girl" by her friends.
- Like of bears, and always sleeps with a teddy bear, which she gave the name Chocobear, because he is brown.
- What does she like to eat is burger. She can eat 2 hamburgers integers without getting full.
- Love to listen music.
- She is always taking her Iphone and your headphones when going out or traveling.
- Not fattening easily.
- Even she was chatty and cheerful. She gets nervous talking to a boy she likes and can even stutter.
- Like to drink milk before bed.
- She always goes shopping to buy new clothes when she tires of her clothes.
- She has a very cute aegyo that no one can resist, less her friends and their parents.
- It may not look it, but she's a very strong girl.
- She is popular in Princess Academy because of her personality. 


` me myself and you )

family! Father - Park Kyung Mi - 47 - Businessman - She and her father are very close to each other. Usually, people are afraid of their parents, but with Hani is a different case. She is very close to him and her father spoils her quite yet pampers more than her mother. He gives everything she asks and even being busy with her company, always trying to spend time with Hani and family.
Mother - Park So Hee - 46 - House's mother - She and her mother can do very well, even though sometimes they disagree a lot about almost everything, they are always talking and walking together. Her mother spoils too Hani and often is giving gifts and going to the mall with her. Anyway ... sometimes they fight a lot because of almost everything, but they really get along well and like each other.

love interest! Friends - Xi Luhan - 19 - Staff of the palace - Even Hani was there to get the hand in marriage of the prince, she felt very drawn to Luhan. And Luhan felt also attracted to her, even if he was just an employee. But Hani does not care about it, she may be spoiled, but he never judge anyone because of their social class. And so, she often finds him or even help him hidden. The two get along well. Hani wants to be married to someone like him, she always says that he is her prince charming she was looking for. However, she still has to concentrate on his proud parents and marry the prince, which is something she does not want.
back up love interest! Friends - Kim Jongin - 19 - Staff of the palace - Same as above

how you met your love interestWas the first day of Hani. She was arriving at school full of bags that could barely walk straight. There was nobody to help her and she was very upset. Hani every time she looked back to check their bags that ended up bumping into someone. The person, a boy to be more specific, apologized and Hani would yell at him, because she was already well angry with everything. However, when looked at him, she just froze. Hani found it very beautiful and because it found that he was the prince thus began bowing many times and said "I'm sorry prince" but the boy laughed and said that he was only an employee of the castle. Well, even if not the prince, for her, it was very beautiful and very good to be a great prince. After she introduced herself, he offered to help and she gladly accepted. When they reached the place where Hani would get, he bowed and walked away leaving Hani smiling for nothing.

relationship with love interest! Even Hani was there to get the hand in marriage of the prince, she felt very drawn to Luhan. And Luhan felt also attracted to her, even if he was just an employee. But Hani does not care about it, she may be spoiled, but he never judge anyone because of their social class. And so, she often finds him or even help him hidden. The two get along well. Hani wants to be married to someone like him, she always says that he is her prince charming she was looking for. However, she still has to concentrate on her proud parents and marry the prince, which is something she does not want.
biases? Luhan, Kai,  Daehyun, Kyuhyun, CNU, Minho, Baro, Taemin, Changmin, Kris, Suho, Donghae.... 


` aren't i pretty? )

face claim! Kim Shin Yeong
pics1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
back up face claim! Jang Chom Mi
pics| | 3

` into the new world )

comments or questions! Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me.

scene requests!
- The scene where Hani called Luhan to see the stars at night with her.
- Hani in the garden is crying because she does not want to marry the prince, but at the same time do not want to disappoint their parents.

passwordPart 1 / Part 2

    layout by - ( ribbit ) layouts}










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