Juliette - Park Sunmi


USERNAME:  fanboygasm
: Alex :)

♦ Hello There ♦

FULL NAME: Park Sunmi
DATE OF BIRTH: 10/20/1994
AGE: 18
BIRTHPLACE: Ulsan, South Korea
HOMETOWN; Ulsan, South Korea


♦ Just Another Pretty Face ♦

ULZZANG: Yamor- Gallery


BACKUP ULZZANG: Hua Hua Liu - Gallery


STYLE: Tomboy to the max



♦ It's What's on the Inside That Counts ♦


PERSONALITY: Have you ever heard of the "brozone?" It's like the friend-zone, but for girls. Well Sunmi was practically made to fit in the brozone. She's that girl that likes to play sports with the guys, get a little dirty and sweaty, and scream and get over fights during video games. Yup, Sunny makes the perfect friend for all males. She's very relaxed and calm: the perfect appa for a group of rambunctious girls as she likes to spoil her cute "babies" (even if she's younger than them, she's a real er for cute aegyo and will give in easily to her unnies and dongsaengs desires. Sunny is a kindhearted girl who easily makes friends with everyone, and likes taking care of the people around her.

However, due to being "one of the guys," Sunny is a bit of a ert. It's not on purpose, really! She just has spent so much time around y guys that she sometimes accidentally uses their stupid ert jokes (her favorite is "That's what she said." And she almost always expects a high five after she says it.) She's a bit of a teaser, too, and likes to laugh at her unnies for their silly and cute mistakes. Although she's young, she acts like she's the oldest in that she takes care of everyone and teases them.

1. Aegyo: She's such a er for aegyo it's not even funny. Even disgusting boy aegyo gets to her.

2. Taking care of people. Despite her young age, she really likes the role of being a unnie and likes to do things like buying everyone dinner.

3. Random Cuddles: Okay it's a little weird, but she likes to randomly hug the others in the group because they're just. too. cute!

4. Patbingsu: You want to cheer up Sunny in a flash? Well if aegyo doesn't work, patbingsu is the way to go. It's her favorite treat in the world.

5. Summer time: Who doesn't like going to the beach? Tons of hot guys wandering around without their shirts on? *faint*

6. Boys: Despite being a total tomboy, she's totally boy crazy and loves her some eye candy. She just can't ever get out of the brozone.


1. Doing Aegyo: It's just awkward and unnatural (naaahhh her aegyo is adorable.)

2.  Mornings: One bad thing about having short hair? It's always messy and ugly in the mornings. Plus she's always super sleepy and clumsy in the mornings, falling all over the place and tripping over invisible things that don't actually exist.

3. Spicy food: She has no tolerance for spicy food and it totally kills her every time she has a competition to eat the super spicy noodles with one of the boys.

4. High Heels: Her and high heels is like peanut butter and fish sauce. It just doesn't end well.

5. Skirts: She has a tendancy to sit with her legs sort of... open. Skirts and dresses just don't work with that!!

6. Cooking: She's an awful cook, please don't ask her to cook!


1. Playing Video Games: She always has some sort of portable game console with her (3DS, PSP, Gameboy) and owns an Xbox 360 and Wii.

2. Selcas: Can you count taking millions of selcas as a hobby? Well, every new idol or cute boy she meets she attempts to get a selca with, and then scrapbooks it in her infamous Book of Boys, which she proudly shows off to anyone who is curious.

3. Drawing: She likes to draw portraits and landscapes.

1. She has a natural pout and natural aegyo. Be careful, if she gets upset, you'll be subjected to a very ferocious pouty face!

2. She bites and picks at her nails whenever she's bored, which leads to her having really ugly nails and getting yelled at by Andy and their manager because she keeps ruining her manicure.

3. She eats when she's angry or stressed out.

1. She has a very strong fear of birds and all things that fly.

2. She's insecure about her flat body and is afraid to wear bikinis or show her tummy in y concepts.

1. Can play guitar very well.

2. Was a trainee at SM before leaving the company for personal reasons.

3. Her favorite Teen Top song is Mr. Bang (which is an awful song, but its ersion makes her laugh)

4. Is considered the "appa" type because she is always spoiling the other members.

5. Owns 200+ video games

6. Can impersonate people very well. Her specialty is Bang Yong Guk and L. Joe

7. She can't sleep without her teddy bear.

8. She hates going to the doctor or getting shots and is a big chicken around needles.

9. She's really really bad with horror movies- she loves watching them but freaks out and begs to sleep in bed with someone after watching them, no matter how lame.

10. She's very atheletic and is very good at sports. 

HISTORY: She was born in Ulsan, South Korea to two financially stable parents who had really not been expecting a girl. In fact, up until the delivery, they were convinced that Sunmi was going to be a boy; never had they been so surprised! Of course they were just as happy having a daughter as they would have been having a son it's just... they had bought boy stuff only. So Sunmi was dressed in boy clothes for the first few years of her life for convinience sake- it wasn't like it would affect her in the future, right? Except, somehow even as her mother dedicatedly tried to dress her lovely daughter in girly clothes and get her to play with barbies, Sunmi showed equal dedication to wearing pants and playing sports with the boys in the neighborhood. After a few years of fighting with Sunmi over her fashion and play choices, Sunmi's parents gave up and granted her freedom to dress as she pleases. She's an average student with mostly male friends due to her boyish nature, but enjoys a happy and easy life.

♦ We Are Family/ Friends ♦
FAMILY:  Dad| Park Il Hwan| 54 | A loving and doting father who attends his daughters events religiously to show his support, even if he's not a big fan of kpop music. | 8

Mom | Park Yonghee | 49 | The mother who can't help but nag her daughter out of love every time she sees her, always fretting like crazy over her health and whatnot | 8




BEST FRIEND: Lee Byunghun (L. Joe) | 19 | Visual/Rapper in Teen Top | Although he's known for being charismatic and cool on stage, he's actually nerdy and dorky in real life | 6 (because she has unrequited feeeeeerings.)


FRIENDS: Kim Rok Hyun | 21 |Vocals in 100% | Cheerful, goofy, likes to be taken care of | 7

Bang Minsoo | 20 | Rapper in Teen Top | Diva, ert, competitive in sports, the two of them are always playing some sport | 7


♦ Why Can't We Be Friends? ♦

RIVAL: She doesn't really have a rival. But you can give her one later in the story :) She's not the type to dislike someone unless they're mean to her friends, then it's WAR.




♦ Love Like Oxygen ♦

LOVE INTEREST: Lee "L. Joe" Byunghun
PERSONALITY:  On stage, he's charismatic and impossibly cool. Really, L. Joe is the epitome of cool on stage and the epitome of dorky off stage because it's like the instant he steps off of the stage, he transforms into an entirely different person. A nerdy guy who really loves playing video games with Sunmi, Byunghun considers Sunmi his best friend forever because she's just the person he can sit around with and play video games with for hours. They hardly even talk because they're so immersed in trying to beat each other, and if someone interferes or one of them cheats, it turns into a wrestling match of epic proportions. Even though this cam- has a powerful and confdent precense on stage, he's really a kind hearted and almost shy guy that would rather play video games than flirt.
RELATIONSHIP: Sunmi is completely and utterly in love with L. Joe... And pretty much everyone but L. Joe knows it. C.A.P teases the two of them relentlessly over Sunmi's secret crush and is always threatning to tell L. Joe about her crush if she doesn't do whatever he tells her to do. They're very good friends, but L. Joe has totally always considered Sunmi his "bro" and therefore treats her like a guy- even going so far as to tell her what girls he thinks are cute! And miserable as Sunmi is, she can't get the guts to fess up to him even though there is a small chance L. Joe might accept her feelings. If he likes her back or not, it's up to you.
HOW DO YOU MEET? : L. Joe met Sunmi when she was practicing her Bang Yong Guk impersonation while yelling angrily at her PSP (during his Tah-Dah, it's B.A.P where he yelled profanities) L. Joe sort of just totally interjected himself into her life and plopped down next to her, watching her play intently. She noticed him there after a few minutes and felt a little embarassed at such a cute guy seeing such a weird side of her, but L. Joe just launched himself into a full blown critique of her gaming skills, which irritated her and caused her to challenge him to a game. After about an hour of battling each other, L. Joe offered to take her to lunch to make up for the fact that he totally schooled her. She tried to refuse when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said those four dreaded words- "let hyung treat you!" 

Yes, that's right... L. Joe thought she was a boy. And she was way to embarassed to correct him, which lead L. Joe to thinking Sunmi was a boy for basically a month until C.A.P couldn't take it any more after L. Joe kept insisting he was Sunmi's favorite hyung and C.A.P laughed and said "Well I'm her favorite oppa so that trumps that."
HOW DO YOU ACT?: She secretly fan girls over everything he does and considers him gods gift to mankind, secretly admiring his perfectness while he sort of is oblivious to her constant open mouthed staring and treats her like one of the guys because he has no idea what else to do.

♦ I Started From the Bottom ♦




TRAINEE HISTORY: She started out in SM but didn't really like their way of handling their trainees, so she left the company after a few months and came over to T.O.P media. She's happier in T.O.P media and has made lots of friends during her time here, plus there is a lot less pressure to be totally perfect in looks and everything like they are in SM. She's more comfortable being herself than she was in the cut throat world of SM and is happy to hear she might be debuting in a girl group.
WEAKNESSES: Modeling. She's very awkward at their photoshoots.
SPECIAL TALENT: Variety Skills- She has a natural charm and charisma that leads MC's to want to watch over her, and she's an open and honest person that can make people laugh by her goofiness.

SINGING TWIN: Dara (2ne1)
RAPPING TWIN: Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls)
DANCING TWIN: Minzy (2ne1)



PERSONA: The Charismatic Appa (she scolds the fans when they do bad things, but in a sweet way like "Yah! Don't skip school! Don't make me worry about you!")
POSITION : Main Rapper/Dancer
FANCLUB COLOR              
What Position are you close to? : Triple Threat -since she's probably the only one younger than Sunny, and she really wants to take care of a dongsaeng

♦ You Are Done. ♦




COMMENTS?: Ahhhhh, all done ;) Happy happy, hope you like my sweet little tomboy.

QUESTIONS?: None, none.


SCENE REQUESTS?: Oh gosh, just so many bro-zoned moments between my darlings. Sunny getting teased for her crush on Er.Joe, Sunny scolding her fans and then hugging them when they pout. Sunny treating everyone to something, Sunny spoiling Chohee, Sunny getting bribed with Patbingsu...

Um... An intense game of something that like Niel interrupts and he just gets yelled at and beaten with pillows by the two angry nerds. Some cute pillow fight scene with the girls, Sunny accidentally getting embarassed because she says "That's what she said!" Sunny acidentally revealing to L. Joe that she has a crush on him with some major word vomit.




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ExoticBeaSehunnie #1
Is this for a story?