The Record Shop published

I just published chapter 5 yesterday - The record shop. Now I have realised my fanfic is quite long. I don't know why...haha. I would love to improve my writing/ descriptive skills as I continue to publish more chapters! When I started planning and though about writing a fanfic, random ideas and inspirations from personal dreams and what I though about came into my head and I did write things down. I never imagined that I would write up to chapter 5 and more. It is long and there are more chapters to come however, it is worth it I guess because I want things to happen gradually, precious moments and different problems to build up gradually. For me, it would just be weird if a problem or something happens suddenly. It just wouldnt make sense. So that's why I think my fanfic is getting longer and longer. But again I enjoy wiritng it because everything I imagined can come alive in the fanfic and it is escapism as well.  I don't know when I will publish chapter 6 because I have quite busy days ahead..preparing for mini-exam for the career I want to do in the future and residentials and stuff. Hopefully, everything will be great and I will be very happy haha:D:D . I actually want to know the viewers who read my blog...I'm quite surprised haha. If you have any questions, ask! :)





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