Troublemaker | Application | Wu Jia Yi




Troublemaker : Wu Jia Yi


Name:  Wu Jia Yi

Nicknames: None

Age: 21

Birthday: 19.12.91

Nationality: Chinese-American

Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China

Height + weight: 171 cm + 51 kg

Ethnicity:  Chinese

Languages: Chinese and English (both fluent), Korean (advanced)


Beautiful Stranger

Ulzzang: Su Eun

Links: Gallery

Extra: None~


Little More Personal


Wu Jia Yi was born in Chengdu, Sichuan province, China, to two restaurant owners, but she was never the type of person that belonged in a restaurant. From when she was little, she knew where her passions were: singing and dancing. It's what she loves to do even today. She lived in Chengdu until she was ten years old, at which point her family abruptly moved to Brooklyn, New York. She found out why a few months later - Jia Yi was going to be an older sister, which she was incredibly happy about.

Jia Yi's younger brother, Wu Han Da, was born when Jia Yi was 11. For the years he was alive, he was Jia Yi's best friend, and she still misses him to this day. Han Da died when he was 6 - Jia Yi was just turning 17 - in a car accident, and Jia Yi hasn't been the same since. She became a trainee a little bit after he died, and ever since then she's been doing her best to make up for the fact that she doesn't have a little brother anymore.


The #1 thing you should know about Jia Yi is that she's the quiet type. She speaks when she's spoken to, and in such a quiet voice you can hardly hear her. Jia Yi prefers to be alone, and is incredibly introverted, but she's slowly warming up to the members of Troublemaker. It's not uncommon for you to find her with her headphones in and the rest of the world locked out.  Because of her quietness, and the honesty she always has no matter what, Jia Yi can be considered rude, but she always means well. To people she's just meeting, she'll do none of the talking and all of the listening. She especially doesn't like to talk about herself; other people are more interesting to her, so she always keeps to herself and lets the other person do the talking.

Once Jia Yi warms up to you, she becomes incredibly kind and caring. She's like a mom - she'll fuss over you and make sure you're okay all the time. Jia Yi also has a wicked sense of humor hiding under her shell; she can make anyone laugh once she likes them. Her quiet side remains when she's comfortable around you - she still listens instead of talking, and she still speaks in a quiet voice - but she'll generally be more open and friendly. Jia Yi doesn't have a lot of friends, but the ones she has are so wonderful that it's worth trying to befriend her. The girls in Troublemaker are trying to do that right now, and they're succeeding so far. The cameras are another story; Jia Yi is very camera-shy, and still has to get used to the cameras being on her all the time. If Jia Yi doesn't like you, she'll show it by not warming up to you no matter what; it's easy to tell when Jia Yi is being her normal self instead of blocking you out, so.


  • Loud noises
  • Being disturbed while she's listening to music
  • Snowstorms
  • Cars


  • Spicy food
  • Dogs
  • Trains
  • Dubstep 


  • Brushes her hair out of her face when she's nervous, or twirls it.

Hobbies: Composing, singing and dancing.


  • Her favorite season is Autumn; she hates winter, snow and storms.
  • Loves super-spicy food; it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's spicy.
  • HUGE fan of Go Ara and Seo In Guk.
  • Sometimes she mixes up Korean proverbs, Chinese sayings, and English doesn't work out very well.
  • Always has her nails painted.
  • Hates the color light blue - everything related to winter, really.
  • Listens to a lot of Skrillex. Her favorite song is Bug Hunt.
  • She wants to visit the Rocky Mountains someday. 
  • Jia Yi's ideal type is Seo In Guk.
  • She does dance imitations well, especially guy groups; she can even do Infinite songs.
  • Plays piano.


Close To My Heart


Mother | Wu Ming Li | 59 | Restaurant Owner

Father | Wu Ping | 60 | Restaurant Owner

Little brother | Wu Han Da | Would be 11; died at 6 | Deceased cute little boy


Sung Yoorim | 21 | Trainee | They met as trainees and became really close, really fast.

Best Friend:(Maximum 2)

Kim Myungsoo | 21 | Visual, vocalist (Infinite) | They bumped into each other backstage at Music Bank; Jia Yi had a gig backup dancing while Infinite was promoting.

Choi Leeun | 22 | Trainee | Like Yoorim, Jia Yi met Leeun as a trainee. The three of them hit it off right away, and became close friends very fast.


My only


Love interest: B1A4|Sandeul 

Birthday:  March 20th, 1990

Age: 21

Personality: For Jia Yi, Sandeul is like a ray of sunshine. He's confident in himself and kind and skinshippy - pretty much the opposite of Jia Yi - but opposites so totally attract.  


Your Journey

Trainee years: 4 years

Persona:  The Winter Queen

Stagename: JY 

How were your trainee days?: Jia Yi made her two best friends as a trainee, but for the most part, she was focused on dancing and singing. Screw being bullied or making relationships happen; Jia Yi was so incredibly focused on being able to debut that she didn't focus on anything else.

How did you get in the company?: Auditioned.

What song did you sing or dance to for your audition?: Sang Owl City's Vanilla Twilight, with piano.


Lead Rapper,Vocalist 

Main Vocalist,Dancer

Lead Dancer,Vocalist

Main Vocalist,Main Rapper

Lead Vocalist,Main Dancer

Fanclub name: Winter Fairies

Fanclub colour: #0489B1

Singing twin: Sunny | SNSD | 1, 2

Rapping twin:  N/A

Dancing twin: Victoria | f(x) |1, 2

Social web: Twitter: @jy_trouble, Instagram: @jy_trouble91

Extra jobs?: Backup dancer.



Any suggestions for Troublemaker fanclub name?: Poltergeists - mythological troublemakers

Any comments?: Nah~

Password: Three Way Tie:


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