About Me!

1: Name: PurpleDolphinVIP

2: Dream name: RaeHa Choi

3: year of birth : 99'liner

4: bias list: 1: Hansol
                2: Jihoon
                3: T.O.P


5: Group list: 1: Big Bang
                    3: F(x)

6: where would i most love to go to?: Seoul south korea DUH!

7: What language would i love to learn: Korean!!! 

8: who i love most in this world: My family and friends... and Hansol XD

9: Who would i love to meet: Seventeen

10: What entertainment company? : YG+Pledis

11: which youtube users i.e. not the entertainment channels: Simon&Martina A.K.A. EatYourKimchi!

12: who would i interview: Seventeen + Big Bang



well that's not all about me but i'm not telling you guys that hehe!!!

You can do this Tag too... if you want.. that is...



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