Should I change my name?

I dunno, but I have this urge to change my name - my user name here.

Yeah, erisan23 (pretty lame, I know)


I explained this before, erisan came from my real name IRISH ANNE and 23 came from, well, of course the anniv date.

Been together for 6 years and 3 months, but I ended it for... I dunno. Haha, I'm nuts.


Yeah, so there's no point now in including 23 in my username, just remindes me of something I want to forget.


Just wanna change it to something - ANYTHING... just not that lame. HAHAHAHA. 

So I might change it one day. You can suggest names if you want to, just not UNICORN and the likings of it.

Might as well consider my twitter account and change my username here to VIPotato too (which is lame also, hahaha)

But as much as possible, I want to incorporate bigbang on it. ^^


Just posted this so you guys won't be confused by the time I changed my username.:)


BTW, thanks to all my subbies, I love you all, you should know that. /le hugs you all/


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JiDeeIsLove #1
VIPotato is very cute though. Dont change :D But i like your name Irish Anne. TheIrish? Lol sorreh if it's sounds lame. Hihi idk but i like it :)
laar_b #2
VIPotato is unique! I approved!!! :) good luck
EverlastingExoticElf #3
VeryImportantPotato. xD lolololol idk ><'

VIPotato is cute :3
Keke... Vipotato is nice...
I guess you should change to umphh I dunno maybe something related with your bias in bigbang? eh but I think VIPotato is not that lame, sounds quite cute actually.
Irisintheair #6
Vipotato sound nice and mucho mucho kindda feeling.
Rainshines #7
VIPotato is cute :D
favoritewords #8
>v< It's your decision whether to to change it or not.. but since you've said the 23 reminds you of something then I suggest you should change it :))

Though.. noona, I can't promise any good suggestions of UN XDD so let's see.... how about..

vip-I.A. (lame)

dat-appler-minion (LOL, nvm) (I'm so original /shot)

morning--coffee (^^v)

I.A.te-an-apple (I ate an apple lol XDD)

Ai-VIP :> (LOL- okay I'm done, you can ignore this now~)

XD sorry-- I'm just being my lame self.. :'>

--wait,,, I've noticed- every user name I've suggested was all about I.A, being a vip and an apple XDDD okay. I'm really done XD
VIPotato kinda cool
its unique though