story name help

Hi everyone I need help with one of my stories. It's called Copy and Paste but I really don't like the name so I was wondering if you could help!? :3

The story is 6 idols (T.O.P, Taemin, Lay, Sehun, Jongup and Kevin) get dragged into this game. At first they think it's a joke until they get attacked and realise they can feel pain. The game is set in medievil times but there is magic and stuff kind of like Merlin, Narnia or Legend of Zelda (if you're that nerdy like me). But please just suggest any ideas even if you have 10 or one it will all help! And check out the story, i'll be updating hopefully tomorrow! Lubb chuuuuu~! :3


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/raises hand/ I will help if I can! ^^