♡ Nostalgia ♡ || TS Ent Girl Group || Lee So Ri

☁ Lee So Ri | Lead Dancer & Triple Threat | Joker/Umma-Figure




W h o ᅠa r eᅠ y o uᅠ ?

username : _Kawahiro_

what should i call you : MoMo

activity level : 7-8 ( I check every second day. )


W h o ᅠi s ᅠs h eᅠ ?

name : Lee So Ri

nickname : Riri

age : 22

date of birth : 02/29/91

birth place : Hokkaido, Japan

hometown : Busan, South Korea

ethnicity : 50% Japanese, 50% Korean

languages : Native - Japanese, Fuent - Korean

height : 161cm

weight : 52kg

blood type : AB -


J u s t ᅠA n o t h e r ᅠG i r l ᅠB e h i n d ᅠaᅠ M a s k

ulzzang : Song Ah Ri  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]

backup ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

style : So Ri has a very simple sense of style - if it is comfortable, it is wearable. But... What she finds comfortable is far from your average sweat shirt and sweat pants. She loves to wear dresses, that is what is confortable to her. Pants are suffocating but are not horrible, however she really enjoys either a dress, skirt or shorts. Her casual attire is somewhere along the lines of simply put together outfits. She has nice long legs that she likes to show off. So she is often seen is a decent length mini dress, a cute skirt or something similar when she has time to her self. However, when she is in the practice room training, she wears a pair of capris or shorts and a tight tanktop to keep cool. When she is set to perform, she is happy to just dress up, her stylists know what suit her the best. If she has the choice to choose her her own outfit for a formal outing she loves classy dresses, not too short but not too long either. Silk and satin, always fun to play with. When the long days end and allow her to rest she sleeps in cute or y night gowns, depends on what suits her fancy at the time.

Pictures: Casual [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Formal [1] [2] [3] Training [1] [2] [3] Sleepwear [1] [2] [3] Swimwear [1] [2]

extra : Both of her ears are peirced, the left ear has six pericings all the way around and the right ear has two peircings on the lobe.


Le t s ᅠD i g ᅠA l i t t l e ᅠD e e p e r

personality : So Ri is a simple minded, playful young lady. Dispite her very feminine outter image, she loves to fool around and play tricks. She loves to tease everyone about silly little things. She is not mean about it though because she hates hurting others, she is very kind and warm hearted, she will do nearly anything to see people she cares for smile. She is easy to startle and is a bit of a cry baby, she wears her heart on her sleeve. She is an extremely honest person, almost brutally so. She can't help but be blunt if there is something bothering her about someone. She is very welcoming and somewhat understanding, you need to give her time to consider things. Although she is very playful, she is a bit of a perfectionist, so she puts work on a very high scale. She considers being a perfectionist one of her faults because it can cause her to be very selfish and rude at times. She always has to get the job done. Another fault she finds herself having is that she is so blunt, she often upsets others without meaning to. The same goes with how often she teases. But her intent is always good. Another flaw she has is that she is very picky with food. She will not eat anything that looks even slightly off. She is a huge health nut in a sense. She Looks after everyone.

backgroud : So Ri was born is Japan and lived there with her mother until she turned three, her father was a Korean bussiness man and couldn't stay with her mother in Japan due to his job. So Ris mother was very poor and could no longer support her daughter and sent her to live with her father in Busan, South Korea. During the first few years of living with her father, So Ri completely forgot about her mother in Japan. He father taught her Korean but was very fond of the Japanese language and taught her more of it so she would stay fluent. By the time So Ri was in grade 1, she was very happy and loved living with her father, however he worked very long hours in order to pay the bills to support them. She went to day care every day after school and that is where she met her first best friend, Min Hae. He moved away to Seoul when So Ri was in grade six. She still had many friends but always missed him the most. When she was in middle school she was very popular, she hung out with a lot of boys and played lost of pranks, some of which got her in trouble. By the time she was in highschool she had three close friends. When she was in grade eleven due to high school drama and grade competetion she lost a friend. The other two are still her friends. When she turned 19 she decided to persue a musical career because throughout all of her schooling she was in choir  and her dad spared money to put her through many dance classes. Her father supported her fully and called his sister in Seoul and asked of her the favour of letting So Ri live with her. It took lots of convincing, but she said yes and then So Ri tried out for TS Ent and was accepted as a trainee.

likes : Dancing, Watching Movies, Writing lyrics, Sushi, Anime, TokiDoki and Making people proud of her.

dislikes : Cold and uncaring persons, Chocolate, Beef Ramyun, Scary movies, Dogs

habits : Whenever So Ri is nervous she toys with the hem of her skirt, shirt or dress, she also looks down a lot. Shen she is angry and frustrated she cries, she with stop what she is doing and just break down. She will clench her fists and bite her lip and cry. When she is scared she panics and tries to stick close to people she cares about. And when around the person she likes she turns very red and plays with her hands.

hobbies : She loves to dance. That is her favorite thing to do. She likes baking and reading. She also like to write poetry.

fears : Growing old, and rejection.

trivia : Before Min Hae moved away, he taught So Ri how to play Piano. (Not well of course, but showed her how to read music, etc.)

So Ri Writes lyrics in her spare time.

So Ri and Min Hae Never stopped talking to eachother.

Min Hae sends So Ri letters.


D e a r ᅠL o v e d ᅠO n e s 

family : Lee DaeHyo  | 48 | Business Man | Alive | 8.5

best friend: Kim Min Hae | 23 | Waiter at a Cafe in Seoul

friends{ max. 3 } : Kim Him Chan | 23 | Member of B.A.P.

Jeon Hyo Sung | 23 | Member of Secret


H i s t o r y 

how did you become a trainee for T.S. ? : Persued the career when she moved in with her aunt by going to an auditon

trainee life : As a trainee So Ri worked extremely hard, she wanted to debut, no mather what it took. It was extremely hard for her due to her perfectionism, but she still did her very best. She made many friends and enemies. During that time she met Hyo Sung who secretly helped her out as much as she could.

trainee years : 3


L o v e ᅠL e t t e r 

love interest : Kim Him Chan | 23 | Sub-vocalist, Rapper & Visual

personality : Him Chan is a very gentle person, he is very caring and loving. He watches out for everyone and wants what is best for every one. he is a pacifist, he is very peacful and is extremely gainst war. He is cheerful individual, but not always.  He is a generally happy well mannered man. He is very sweet and fun to be around. He isn't shy but has his moments. He is also funny, but his jokes don't always make sense.

first meeting : One So Ri was invited out with Hyo Sung and the rest of Secret. When they went out they had run into a few members of B.A.P. Literally ran into them So Ri did. She tripped face first into Him Chan. Who nearly freaked out and scolder her about being more careful. Afterwards the groups merged and Him Chan stuck to So Ri's side and told her to be careful. She was greatful and they talked more and she told him she was a trainee in the company. They talked a lot ever since.

interaction/relationship : So Ri blushes like crazy around Him Chan but sticks very close to his side whenn she can. She plays little tricks on him. Him Chan fools around with So Ri just as much. He is also very protective. The have crushes on each other. Everyone in Nostalgia knows about So Ri's feelings for Him Chan.

back-up interest : Bang Yong Guk | 23 | Leader & Main Rapper


O n c e ᅠi n ᅠa ᅠL i f e t i m e

stage name : So Ri

fanclub name :  Trikkies

fanclub color :                  

position : Main Dancer & Tripple Threat

vocal twin : CL - 2NE1

rapping twin : BoRa - SISTAR

dancing twin : HyoSung - Secret

  twitter ? instagram ? : @Trap_RiRi


G o o d b y e ᅠB a b y ᅠG o o d b y e

suggestions/requests : SISTAR - Alone

comments : If you have any questions, let me know. ^^

password :




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