Things That Scare the Out of Me.


Stealing this from susorimatoki <3 

I fear...

[] black people
[] the dark
[X] staying single forever (i know i don't like people but i don't hate them that much...-hangs head shamefully-)
[] being a parent
[X] being in front of others (not a big people person...)
[] open spaces
[] closed spaces
[X] heights (i dont like the fact of possibly falling off, unless its like a roller coaster where im strapped on tightly then yea im fine... LOL)
[] dogs 
[] birds
[] fish
[X] spiders (yea...)
[] flowers or other plants
[] fire
[] deep water
[X] snakes (never encountered one. hope to never will.)
[] silk
[] the ocean
[] failure
[X] thunder/lightning (the sudden sound of the shocking and getting shocked by lightning...)
[] frogs/toads 
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends dad
[] my boyfriends/girlfriends mom
[] rats
[X] jumping from high places (like i said not a fan of heights... or any place thats high off the ground)
[] rain
[] wind
[X] crossing hanging bridges (not a big fan of heights... and crossing hanging bridges are usually somewhere high...)
[] death
[X] being robbed/mugged (being in the middle class is a good spot. dont wanna go any lower by getting robbed ._.)
[X] falling (had too many nightmares of falling off a cliff and dying)
[] clowns
[] dolls
[X] large crowds of people (not much of a people person...)
[] men
[X] women (my mom LOL)
[] having great responsibilities 
[X] doctors (well its just the fact of going to the doctors and maybe getting shots LOL)
[]  dentists
[] tornadoes
[] hurricanes
[] incurable diseases
[] sharks
[]  Friday the 13th 
[] ghosts 
[] poverty
[] Halloween
[] school
[] trains
[] odd numbers
[] even numbers
[] being alone
[] becoming blind
[] becoming deaf
[] growing up, becoming old
[X] creepy noises in the night (horror movies get to me easily TT_TT)
[]not accomplishing my dreams/goal
[X] needles (not a big fan of shots xD)
[] blood
15... it seems too little ._. wtf... lolol well ok then xD ^^ my mild OCDness took over and i had to fix all the spaces. it wasnt pleasent( <-- I don't know how to spell that LOL) to look at for me for some unknown reason...


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