The Law of Women

Guys, I have very important information to tell you. vito912k and I discovered a theory.


Girls like soft cheeks.
   -You could say soft things to generalize it-


Girls like touching/squeezing soft cheeks.

  -You could say soft things to generalize it.-



Therefore all girls are lesbian for they all like s.

vito912k and I declare this law.

The Law of Women.




Everyone let us celebrate \o/








We are not on crack, "our blood is the crack." -Yacamiwolf

^^^ I agree totally



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chocolatechipsundae #1
get off the jug of coffee dongieeee <3
stahp pls.
Jessus #3
go get help.
FeyK3U #4
HAHA lesbian! Love it :D
So this was it. XD
Oh my god sweetie. *laughs hard* *coughs* *and laughs again* XD
Okay okay. I agree. ♥ HAHAHA
4ACQG7 #6
"All girls are lesbian" I think I can agree on this lol. So those judgemental people can all go to hell XD. Let's celebrate! Lol.

Lesbian for snsd only XD
I. Have. No. Comment. On. This.

I love soft cheeks but because of my Plushie Cat!!!
But oolaloo~ theory can be true~
So all women are lesbians?

.... I'm okay with that *smirk*
...What? '-'

All Hail TaeNy~
I actually like really strong jawlines.
One day I will like this guy:
ThisIsNotWolf #12
I, Wolf in person, second this law. O mighty inteligent people, Yisus bless you two.

This has to be on the news paper, ASAP.

PD: I'm on crack as well