Who doesn't LOVE summer?

So first of all, I want to say thanks to everyone who has accepted to be friends with crazy little me~ I’ve only been here for exactly 3 days now and I’ve already found a ton of people to talk to and a bunch of new friends :D I’ve even gotten a new friend requests myself!! :o I swear, I was so surprised when that happened because the little person thingy at the side of the message button suddenly turned red instead of being blue like it normally is and I was all “what have I done??!! *cries*” and “does that mean I can’t have any more friends?! *freak out*” But, when I clicked it, I saw that it was just a me receiving a friends request I just felt immensely happy \(^.^)/ So thanks for accepting me into your family, everyone~~!! Let’s get along from now on <3
So, anyways, on  to my random topic of the day, most people know that right now we’re in summer vacations ~~ :D It’s days/weeks/months when we dedicate all of our time to the sun, the beach, spending every second with friends, woking for some cash, and doing nothing that important while we relax our brains from a stressful school year that has passed, right? Of course I’m right~! Unless you happen to be a sorry university student like me… meaning that you’re stuck taking summer classes :’(  and, boy, do they !
I only originally agreed to this torture because of two reasons: one, because my friends said it would be easier than normal classes and that this way, I can get it out of the way so I can take more engineering classes during the actually semester; and two, because it was an internet class (which means I don’t actually have to go to face-to-face classes, and that the lectures and tests are posted up in a virtual campus where that I can read and do them whenever I want as long as I don’t miss the deadline; pretty cool, huh?).  So with those positive thoughts in my head, I decided to take all my government/political sciences requirements this summer, aka, Unites States government in the first semester (June) and Texas government in the second semester (July).
Error # 1: I know absolutely nothing about the any government.
Seriously, never attempt to take a government summer internet class if you have never taken government before or you’ll end up like me  and that's most definitely a plce you don't want to be in. I know it goes without saying, but, trust me whe I say that it’s for the best for you to at least know the difference between House and Senate before taking a college government class -.-'
Error #2: I’ve lived most of my life outside the United States.
I never lived in one place for too long so I’ve never really cared about government or news and stuff like that; I was going to move on eventually anyways so why bother. So, to competent what I was saying before, it’s way better to approach these type of classes with previous knowledge of what it’s going to be about… I know this is a little obvious but just a fair warning won’t hurt…
Error #3:  Summer semester (also called mini-mesters in my university) are shorter.
Mini-mesters are one month semesters; normal semester, such as Spring or Fall, are 4 months, usually more like 14-16 weeks (I don’t know about other places, but at least this is the situation I’m in now). So, see my point? With a shorter amount of time, the professor has to cram in so much information in such a little time, that he doesn’t take the time to explain everything like he would if this was an actually semester class. Like, seriously, you have to take a test every single week O.o
Error #4: Getting the teacher mad at you unintentionally.
In these types of classes, you can only communicate with your teacher through e-mails. E-mails, as everyone knows, can be misinterpreted as easily as breathing; since you don’t actually get to hear a person say something, you can’t tell if he/she is joking or not by his/her tone of voice. In my case, I’m really not a people person, and I sometimes tend to be very direct and bluntly honest. And thus, I had the bad luck of accidentally getting on my teacher’s bad side with an e-mail *sigh*
And I could go on and on about all the mistakes I made during my first internet class... but that would seriously just get depressing, trust me. Plus, all things aside, I still managed to somehow get an A at the end (evidently an A-, but nonetheless an A) So, acknowledging all my mistakes and promising myself to fix them, I didn’t think that Texas government could be that different, right?
For starters, Texas government is much harder for me because I’ve only been living in Texas (and that’s only my tiny little college town, not in big cities like Houston, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, etc.) for less than a year. To make matters worse, I was forced to change teachers because my old teacher didn’t have an internet class the second mini-mester, and I swear that this new teacher expects us to already know most of the stuff we’re learning. Finally, he makes us read and hand in too much homework in such a short time that I have literally spent all last week locked up in my room getting caught up! He’s horrible and mean and, for some reason, hates me so right now I’m at a C  average (78/10, but still a C)…
Still, guys, not all summer classes are as bad as mine. Really! Actually, most of them are probably much, MUCH better than what I just described, it's a fact! ^^  (You really just have to remember that I have the worst luck in the world and that’s why I always end up in situations like this >.<') And it’s not that I’m giving up on my class, either. I just really wanted to rant to someone and also tell you guys that if I don’t respond to your messages right away is because I’m falling asleep on top of my very long textbook or wracking my brain to finish the homework before the deadlines kills me. I really do try to finish everything quickly so I can use my laptop without being stressed out and stuff, but sometimes it's just plain impossible >.< I hope you understand...
Alright~ so that’s my summer for you all! If you haven’t been spooked by my 1000+ rambling by now, I thank you from the bottom of my heart <3 *pops confetti in the air* And if you want, you can tell me a little bit about your own summer vacations ^^ Hope to hear from you guys soon~


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Any government classes are boring as hell shot I made a F in my government class when I took it because 1) I fell asleep in class, 2) never read my book, and 3) I had a hardcore teacher that had work due every class day before class started
I hate summer, sorry, I hate summer the most, I only like winter.
--daedreamer #3
Lol, I usually love summer, but this summer's been a pain since I'm moving abroad and I have to deal with all the stuff that happens when, well, you move abroad lol. As in selling all your furniture and getting rid of everything in the house and saying goodbye to all your friends and saying goodbye to your parents friends and living in a pretty much empty house for a month because you sold everything and having showings all the time and cleaning your house to make it look nice for the people that want to buy it and then saying goodbye to this beautiful house that you love so much and then dealing with the anxiety of moving to a new continent and then dealing with culture shock and then having to go from having some gorgeous house to some crappy hut because all of the houses in England are and having to find a school and taking interviews to get accepted because I swear England has the weirdest education system ever and ahclwgxkhfuakgx.

I'm sorry for ranting on your rant blog ;A;
But lol. That wouldn't be a problem where I live because government is obligatory here xD And omg 78's a B in Canada! xO that really orz Good luck for the rest for the rest of your summer though! Stay strong! ;A;
commovente #4
First of all, welcome to AFF! And second, I'm one of the few who really dislike summer lmfao! California heat is unbearable, and every Monday thru thursday I have to bike to school because yes, I'm also attending summer semester except not online /sobs

The work really does pile up! I'm taking English and Math for my requirements and uggghh essays due 3-4 days after and test every damned week! It doesn't help that I'm a freshman and this is my first semester in college ever. LOL So it's hard to adjust to how the system works from high school to college. But anyway, I only have a couple of days left till it ends...hopefully my grades will look up.

Sorry about commenting suddenly (we haven't spoken before lol) but I just couldn't resist when I can relate to this so well! I have no idea what's coming for me in the future but I'm taking 15 units next semester /crosses fingers oh and I'm Belle btw sorry I ranted so suddenly lol
Bassplayer #5
I don't like summer bc where I live which is Wisconsin, sumer here = unbreathable. Why? Bc our summer is humid as heck. My cousins from Cali and they said that its nice except its to humid. I like summer only if its not humid.