so called friend

I need to take this out of my chest... I been surround by to many fake people or just hypocrits. I always say what I feel about a person to their face and I try to find a solution to a problem; but they're some people who just want to play the victims and don't want to recognize they're mistake... I'm tired of those people because they make me sick (I'm serious about this), everytime I face a really stressfull situation I end up on a hospital.

So what I'm trying to say is that some of you're "friends" are just people who use you, pretend to be nice to get what they want; it´s not the first time that something like this happened to me; but I'm tired of going trough the same... specially when they're trying to blame you.

Lastly, I just want to say to anyone who read this please be carefull with the people who hang out with, I don't anyone to go trough the same like me.


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onewjr #1
AMEN! Thats why I dont have friends at school, anti-social at school because all they do is act fake and want atention. Then people around them feed into to that and play along.IDIOTS EVERYWHERE I GO!