It is DAY 1 of Minerva's BLOGGING, and yes why not, i shall do it through this account. Teehehehehehhe, ^_^V

This account is actually for RP, that is called Eden Project RP , which is a FACEBOOK Roleplay that is BRENDDD NEWAH. It's mostly to do with entertainment and how to become an idol? AU style, :3 I have been enthrusted the role to be a, wait for ittttt, AN ADMIN THERE OAOOAOOAOAOA!!!!!

Chesus, i was happy \O/ Some one actually trusts me AHAHHAAH. Well, i have to devote a lot to this RP ;U;, but i have a life and education to finish and its so depressing ;U; Although you rarely see me studying, IT STILL IS IN MY MIND. I got bored, it is the 23/07/2013, time 20:03 right now and im waiting for something. GUESS WAHT IT ISSSS, DID YOU GUESS IT? DID YOU? IT WAS A FRIDGE! Yepp, yepp. I am waiting for a fridge to arrive at this moment. Since my fridge broke, i had to order for a new one from curry's and honestly im disappointed. *sighs* This fridge was meant to be by my house a week ago but the constantly keep having problems. Last time they delivered it to my door, the two of them told me "We need an engeeeeenneeiiirrr!~" im like well, WHERE IS HE THEN. DID HE NOT COME WITH YOU!? Apparently, there was a malfunction so there in my door step was two drivers, completly useless who can only stand there with the fridge and sign me off. Mother father poop, what a mother father poop. Anyways, i ordered it for it to be delivered AT 4:OO pst EXACTO. What time is it now? 8. Not impressed. *sighs* Stupid Currys, cant get their whole life sorted. I MEAN, I HAVE TO ORDER TAKE AWAY, AND THROW BILLIONS OF FOOD INSIDE MY FRIDGEEE /3 And i;m realll~ stingy with food so, aklsdjklasda. Yeah LOL.

Recently i've been into this new BBC drama series named Sherlock Holmes. It is amazing! Like any amazing BBC drama series, it has that thriller, that mystery and that full joy of hot y mens B| Bennny Cumbmerbatch, YUmmmyy~! xD Ofcourse, side kick Martin Freeman is hell good looking too! They are brilliant actors seriously and they have the looks and everything. I wasn't much of fan of sherlock, really since i'd never seen a film or even read a book. But since the moment i accidently discovered it, by just flicking through channels and seeing bennidicts hot face, i think i regreted my way of living and life style. I really wished at the age of 2, i picked up the encyclopedia and dictonary and read it, with heart and then memorized it and started studying and reading more, you know maybe this time today, we'd all be flying with cars! I really do regret what i do sometimes, as it is really not enough to fufuill my life long dreams and desires. One of who is my desires is sherlock holmes <3 *^* The man is fab. Although he is an unsocial, mean and a , he still is smart. And if you have watch the series, you'd know what i mean when i say " Smart is the new y." Ohohooho. John watson, adorbs. Totally opposite Sherlock , with a high range of humor and cuteness. Its adorable to see them two fight and get back together like a gay couple hahahhaa.

Another thing to rant about;- Britain's weather. I live in Britain, i dont know if the BBC SHERLOCK (<3) hinted you anything but yeah, i am from there and yes, its britain wow, so amazing. NO. NO, NO NO. its terrible here, i apologise im not even a poropper citizen, but let me do tell you something, the citizens here arn't nice eather. I mean, have a walk in central london for 2 minutes, SOME idiot will try to run you over, and wont even apologise. That's why so many children dies from road accident, all s run em ovaa. Going back to the topic, wow the weather. Britain is never known for its sunshine, always that one moody, rainy area that you wish to get out. This time, it is too hot! Its either TOO HOTT, or TOO COLD, and i blame the pollution and global warming for that. My body was not prepared for this mental weather changing continus pattern thingy, since i got a multiple cold thanks to it =.=# Just yesterday night, whilst sleeping, there was THUNDER outside there, loud and clear, scary to be honest. I had to rely on some friends to cry and hug with ;U; so scary. ALKDMASKL.

So far in my life, i have written many fanfictions THAT I NEVER BOTHERED TO UPLOAD, KEKEKKE. i have written draft ones that i completly CBA (CANT BE ASKED) to upload. I'm all like AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT, when really, Yes i DO have time for it but i just i dont know why but choose not to do so. And i've realized something; WHY CAN I NEVER BE COMMITED TO ANYTHING! Seriously, i mean i shout to myself every now and then im like, YO STUPID DO SOME WORKKKKKK AKDNASJKNAS. And does my listen? Pssht, no, of course not. Like brain, like lolwut.

Anyways, JOIN THE RP GUYS, I WANTTOO SEE NEW FACES. <--- all i can say LOL

To the people in the world, Good night, good morning, good evening, and have a good DAY!


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Artery #1
\O/ Mineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerva