Lullabye is nomadic~

Username: Lullabye

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Character Info

Full Name: Shin Mi-Yul

Nicknames/Alternative names: Kotone Matsuda

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Korean && Japanese

D.O.B.: 12.27.1995

Height: 165 cm and still growing

Weight: 48.3 kg

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Osaka, Japan

Physical Features: Mi-Yul has slightly wide eyes and a small, pointed nose. The light affects her hair color, having it range from a reddish brown to an almost black color. is always slightly open due to her being a mouth breather. Her body is still developing since she's only 15, but she has small curves already.  Don't let her fool you though— her appearance make her look more mature then she actually is. 

Links: Ulzzang~ Do Hwae Ji

Personality:  Mi-Yul is easily described as a ditz. She is very forgetful of every day things like brushing her teeth or taking her vitamins. Her short-term memory may be bad but her long-term memory is excellent, she is able to remember things from before she was two years old. Mi-Yul has a gentle and polite way of speaking and it's hard to get her mad. If she is mad it's easy to tell because she speaks quietly and slowly. She has an odd way of thinking. The kind of advice she gives is like a fortune cookie, you'd have to think it over for a few days before it made any sense. During conversations it's likely she'll say something completely unrelated to the subject or related in a very vague way.

Her airheaded personality translates well to young children. She's able to communicate well with them and get down to their eye level, and is an excellent translator when it comes to baby talk. She believes in things others may find strange, like ghosts. She's a loyal person and will support her friends and family in whatever they decide to do, unless, of course, they want to.. murder someone. Mi-Yul has common sense, although little of it, and puts that small amount to good use. She is the person who will step in the middle of a fight, physical or words, and try to break it up. She hates fighting, and is a mostly peaceful person. She is skilled in the arts of trolling, or, well, she can be mean if she wants. If someone insults a friend of her's she'll back up her friend with an excellent comeback. It's probably from livinng in Osaka.

Background: Mi-Yul was born a month premature on December 27th 1995. When she was a year old her parents and her moved to Osaka for her father's business. Due to rules by the Japanese Goverment Mi-Yul couldn't keep her Korean name. Her first name was changed to Kotone and her family's last name to Matsuda. She grew up hearing both Korean and Japanese, so picked up on both. She also picked up on the accents that come from Busan and Osaka respectively. When she was seven she and her family moved back to Korea. When they came back, her parents noticed that when she responded to "Kotone" she had a more serious attitude, or as serious as a seven year old could be. They found out she couldn't remember anything from those serious attitude episodes. She was tested for multiple personality disorder and the results came back inconclusive, so they never found out. When Mi-Yul was ten she realized two things; She was different the other girls because she liked males and females. Her parents reacted surprisingly well to the news. The other thing she realized is how she wanted to become an idol. She tried out at Cube entertainment with rapping being her major.



  • Math
  • Throwing up
  • Citrus fruits and flavors
  • Dentists
  • Homophobics
  • Bright, neon-y colors like               


  • Wearing Lolita clothing
  • Knitting
  • Playing the harp


  • Puffing up cheeks
  • Staring into space
  • Talking in a bored tone although she isn't bored
  • Wearing a jacket/bolero/sweater/etc. in public even when it's extremely hot outside
  • Popping gum


  • Mi-Yul is openly biual
  • Her left and right hands are both dominant
  • Her left eye and leg are the dominant ones
  • She has hypermobility/is double-jointed
  • She speaks with a Busan accent in Korean and a Osaka accent in Japanese



Entertainment Info
Stagename: Kotone

Fanclub name: Harp(ers)

Group position: Rapper

Specialty / other talents: Voice acting | Playing the harp | speaking mostly fluent Japanese


Trainee period: 5 years

Past experiences: Was the voice actor for Boo(Monsters Inc.) in the Korean dub-over 



Relationships - OC’s are accepted


  • Shin Joo-Lee | 45 | Waitress | Joo-Lee is a mother who always worries about her daughter. She's strict with her daughter only because she loves her. | Joo-Lee is mostly supportive of her daughter's choice to become an idol. She just worries she'll overwork or become ill from the vigorus activites of an idol. 
  • Shin Sooyoung | 51 | Owns an electronics store | Sooyoung is constantly worried about money. He's a bit of a hoarder because he tries to save money, and is always clipping coupons. He cares about his daughter, but is a bit busy with his store. | Sooyoung is more instrested with the money that comes from Mi-Yul's paycheck since she gives half of it to her parents. He couldn't care less about anything else, he's in it for the money.
  • Lucy | 12 | Unemployed | The old family dog. Lucy is lazy. Except when it's time for the daily walk. She's a weiner dog, so she doesn't get active much or else she'll damage her legs. | Lucy is in no way supportive of Mi-Yul's choices. Who else will scratch her tummy, take her out in the late of night for a bathroom stop or take her on daily walks? Joo-Lee, that's who. And she doesn't even scratch in the right places..


  • Park Han Bul(OC)
  • Ricky(Teen Top)
  • Tia(ChoColat)

Personality of partner: 

  • Han Bul is Mi-Yul's polar oposite. She's loud and won't take no for an answer. She's the person who initiates the fight but gets away with it in the end with a well-executed lie. The one thing Mi-Yul and Han Bul share in common is that they speak their mind and don't care what others think.
  • Ricky is sometimes called the maknae of Teen Top even though he isn't. It's because of his natural aegyo that's he called maknae. He tries to be manly, but it never ends well.
  • Tia is the co-maknae of ChoColat since she shares the same birth year with fellow member Melanie. She's more comfortable talking in English than Korean, and is very modest.

Type of relationship: Since they are still young in the eyes of the media and such, the relationship would be extremely innocent. If it was with a female partner they would rarely show any sign of affection in public or while being filmed. If with a male partner they may from time to time hold hands or something similar. Alone or in the safety of dorms they would be more open. They would only be open, however, if with people they knew personally and trusted. 

How you met: 

  • When Han Bul was in third grade, she needed help with reading. The teacher suggested she work with Mi-Yul to improve her skills. At first there was a mutal dislike between the two. The longer they worked thogether, the closer they became. When Han Bul's grades improved the two still hung out, and they've been best friends ever since.
  • While shopping for groceries one day Mi-Yul ran into Ricky. Literally ran into. Since she knocked over Ricky's own bag of groceries and squashed most of it, she gave him her number. She told him to contact her so she could pay him back. They continued to text each other afterwards, forming an awkward friendship.
  • Tia and Mi-Yul were put together for a preformance on a music show. They had to learn a Michael Jackson dance together. It took them a long time to get it down, because it was a really complicated dance. Tia had it easy for the lyrics, but it took Mi-Yul a long time to memorize them. Working together for such a long time formed a close bond between the two so they kept in contact afterwards.

Couple Name: 

  • HanYul . Combination of Han(Bul) and (Mi)Yul
  • Micky . Combination of Mi(Yul) and (Ri)cky
  • Mia . Combination of Mi(Yul) and (Ti)a 

Past relationship[s]: Lee Jae(OC)

History: For four months during Mi-Yul's last year of training, she dated Lee Jae. Jae was the popular guy at school, the one every girl wanted to be with. Mi-Yul wasn't aware that Jae was cheating on her. In fact, she never found out. The day after the two had their first kiss Jae broke up with her without any reason. She's been a bit awkward with boys since.



  • the whole of GP Basic
  • Melanie and Tia from ChoColat
  • Niel, Ricky and Changjo from Teen Top
  • Minzy from 2NE1

Rival[s]: Mi-Yul is a peaceful person, she doesn't have any rivals.




Scenes you'd want: something fluffy and in the rain 8DD

Anything I’ve missed: If anything is wrong please tell me? And is this who you were looking for? because i really dunno XD


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