Wait for me

Inhale Exhale.

Heartbeat. Heartbeat.

Falling eyelids.

Inhale Exhale.

I was always the happy one.

Making myself and everyone believe that anything’s possible when you believe.

I dreamt high

I dreamt for the heavens.

I dreamt for something I thought is possible.

I dreamt.

Cause I thought I wasn’t alone dreaming

I thought I wasn’t alone blabbering

But one night

One horrible night turned my tables.

Flipped my world upside down.

Here I am left alone in the dark.

Calling out your name.

You said you’ll never let me walk alone.

You said we’ll conquer it.

But why can’t I even see where you are now?

Why can’t I even feel the warmth?

I was all alone.

All I felt was my eyes

Aching cause of crying

And my heart that feels nothing but being torn in two

I was all alone

I had no one to talk to

No one to walk with

No one to smile at

Where have you gone?

Where are you anyway?

I thought we were in this together?

But how come here I am struggling while there you are flying?

Here I am struggling while you are not here to share the pain I bear?!

I can’t hear anything

I can’t see anything

I can’t even feel anything

You’re gone

You left me

You purposely left me for someone else?!

And made me look stupid

And made me think I wasn’t alone

Thanks for acting like you’re there

Really thank you

For giving me false hopes.

For deceiving me

Thank you so much,

I’m tired of panting, gasping for air when I cry

So I’ll let go

I’ll take one deep breath

Inhale Exhale

The flash back of my memories run on my mind.

I remember how you look like.

This is great.

Wait for me my dear.

I’ll haunt you ‘til you’ll feel the same

Wait for me dear

I’ll haunt you until you hang yourself to death

Just like what I did



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