Perfection- Girl Group Application

AFF Profile Name: K-P0PG1rL


Name: Shin RinHye

Nickname(s): Avery

Ethnicity: Korean British

DOB: 13/12/1991

Age: 19

Place of birth: Britain

Languages spoken: Fluent: Korean, English & French, Semi: Japanese

Height: 167cm

Weight: 45kg

Blood Type: AB





Name of model/ulzzang chosen: Hwang Mi Hee

Personality: RinHye brings light into the room when it’s gloomy. Her laughter is contagious, because it’s odd yet cute. She’s quite innocent and pure at heart. Being an ex-model, she sees many of the younger girls in her neighborhood cake their face with make-up. She hears that it’s Y. Well to RinHye, ‘y’ is a state of mind. Sure, it looks like it’s what makes RinHye look beautiful in her photos, but she doesn’t do so much to herself that it covers up her natural beauty. She may have a cute face but RinHye is quite mature. RinHye will take action if no one else is willing to. She’s gone through many situations with children to know how they will act and what to do when things get out of control. RinHye is also a bit shy. When she approaches people or they come to her, she’s afraid that they’ll judge her. RinHye can be an emotional mess, especially when she’s sad. When’s she’s feeling down, she’ll cry until her eyes are red, puffy and dried out. She’ll lock herself in her room so that she won’t bother people with her moodiness or make others sad as well. When RinHye is happy, she feels as if there’s nothing in the world that can bring her down. She’s very optimistic and tries to help others when they’re not in the best of moods. She’s quite persistent in getting people to cheer up. She isn’t selfish and isn’t the type of girl to get jealous easily. She’s excellent at masking over her emotions if she thinks that they are going to down her mood. She is SUCH a nerd and a klutz. RinHye uses a very large vocabulary that not many can understand. In school, she took on many extra-curricular activities and did classes not many would do. RinHye always has a thirst for knowledge.



RinHye was born in Britain on Dec 13 of 1991. She grew up learning English before moving onto Korean. She has a British accent when speaking English. She didn’t do much but when she was 6 years old, she began getting interested in computers. She was such a nerd as she grew up and during school. She had glasses, braces, headgear; the works. RinHye wasn’t popular as a kid another reason because she wasn’t like the normal English children, being a Korean child. When the nerd gear came off, people started noticing her as a person rather than some girl who just took notes and didn’t talk. She was a bit of a teacher’s pet because she’d always do extra-credit and cleaned after school.


RinHye had a little brother named BaeHyun on March 3rd, 1994.  Nothing significant happened in her life except for when her brother, ByunJi was born on October 19, 1996. The three of them always played together. As time went on they became close and dependent on each other whenever their parents worked and gave them babysitters. They would run around the town-house and tickle each other & just lie on the ground, with their heads in the middle and hold hands.


On September 30th 1999, Paige Shin was born. Her mother decided to give her a foreign RinHye was extremely happy to have a little sister, since she only had two little brothers. However, as soon as Paige turned 1, she took all the attention from RinHye, BaeHyun and ByunJi. RinHye didn’t mind so much at the beginning, but when her parents would gradually spend less time with her, she became irritated with her sister. She started to regret wanting to be a big sister to a little girl, especially because she lost her parents to her. Yes, she loved her sister, but it was unconditional love. As of then, she didn’t care for her as much as she did for her brothers; her brothers felt the same at the time as well.


3 years later, when she was 10 years old, she moved to South Korea, her parents’ home country. They moved back because they wanted RinHye to get more into her native culture rather than just the English’s ways. She got along with more people in Korea than in Britain. She made many friends with the girls, especially ones that were her junior by 1-2 years. It was easier for RinHye to get along with them because she’d stand up for the younger students when the senior groups of the school bullied them.


Another three years passed by and her parents had another child, this time another boy on July 27th, 2003. His name was Eliott. He was a quiet baby and didn’t like attention. The attention that was on Paige was constant and Eliott just liked to play with RinHye. RinHye loved Eliott the best out of her siblings because he never tried to be in the spotlight with people. He wasn’t very quick at learning, so as he grew up, she’d help him more than her parents would, being that they were caught up with their ‘little princess’ still.


RinHye was now 16 and got more into sports. One day she dressed as a boy, sticking her hair into a ball cap and went out for the baseball team and soccer team. At first no one noticed her abnormally cute face as a boy. She thought that she would be found out quickly and wouldn’t be able to get in the team. She tried, and to her surprise, she got in. During her days playing baseball and soccer, RinHye practiced extremely hard. In games, she would in extra effort to win the game for the team. She had troubles with the showers and locker rooms because she was afraid that guys really do take each other’s towels when they’re showering, take each other’s clothes and lock them outside: ; and whip one another with towels.


On her 17th birthday her youngest sister, which was her last sibling, was born. Little HyeBin was a very depressing topic to bring up now a-days. She had a hard time breathing and her immune system was very weak. When she was 2 years old, she passed away sending the whole family in a period of depression. Everyone, including the boys and RinHye, were excited to be with HyeBin. When she passed away, everyone was silent during the funeral.


Just last year, she got interested in K-Pop, but through J-Pop. She was looking through a YouTube video with the top 100 J-Pop songs and found some that seemed interesting to her, Survivor, Bolero and Share the World by Tohoshinki. She was amazed at the boys’ voices and decided to search them on the internet. When she read their profile, she was surprised to read that they weren’t Japanese, but Korean! She was impressed that they sang in more than one language and that they learned the languages to communicate with their fans.


One day, RinHye entered a talent show. The top 3 would be eligible to be sign up with some sort of company to show their talents to the world, or at least to Korea. She decided to sing to one of her favorite songs; Hug by Dong Bang Shin Ki. As she sung, she tried not to look as nervous as she felt and let it go with the flow. She almost cracked at the end, but the judges dismissed it. RinHye watched as many other contestants did their bit and applauded after every performance.


The judges were sitting at their table discussing the top 3 winners then they finally came to a decision. RinHye was in 2nd place. The judges gave her feedback, saying that she should try and not be so nervous on stage. The second judge, who happened to be female, told her that if she didn’t know better she’d think she was Kim JaeJoong’s little sister because she sounded like a female version of him and a little bit like JunSu. RinHye giggled and said thank you. They asked her if she would sign up with one of the companies, but RinHye politely declined because she was already having fun being a model and that she only did this to have fun. They replied back saying that if she ever changed her mind, they’d still let her join.


RinHye also made many friends and met one that was a lot like her, favorites wise, her name was Sam Inthathirath (semi fic). Sam was from the US but she is of Laotian heritage. They both liked K-Pop and they hung out together on various occasions, especially at Sam’s house. RinHye would teach Sam dances because she thought they could have fun. One day they were at Sam’s and RinHye and she were talking. Sam asked RinHye if she knew that Dong Bang Shin Ki was disbanded. RinHye was shocked to hear the news.


The two of them held in the tears that formed in the corners of their eyes as they listened to DBSK’s song ‘Proud’. Watching the 5 boys sing the song, watching that the members were crying during the song, it made them laugh and cry at the same time watching some of the members crack in the song with tears. The two still talk out with each other, but rarely because Sam was going through with going to college and medical school back home in Iowa. They still contact each other, but not so much since both of them have different schedules and are extremely busy with them.

Family: Shin ByungHyun | 41 | Male Model | Father | Korean British
Shin AeRin | 38 | Actress | Mother | Korean
Shin BaeHyun | 17 | Cafe Waiter | Brother
Shin ByunJi | 15| Cafe Band - Guitar/Vocal | Brother
Shin Ariana | 12 | Sister
Shin Eliott | 8 | Brother
Shin HyeBin | 2 | Dead | Sister

*Mountain Climbing


*Shattering glass (Her fear)

*Glaring when irritated
*When she lies, she will either keep a straight face or her right eye twitches
*Sticking her tongue out in pictures
*Puckers lips when bored


Love Interest: Eli Kim, Shin SooHyun

Rival: Park Gyuri

Friends: Kevin, TaeMin, Hyuna & Janey


Stage Name: Raine

Years trained: 3

Position: Main Vocalist

Persona: The Clumsy Angel


-Fanclub: Raine Drops
-Color: Alice Blue

-Singing Link  :

-Dancing Link :

-Rapping Link:


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