❝Cheongsan School of Performing Arts❞ ↷ Byun Baekhee

Cheongsan School of Performing Arts
hi! I'm Baekhee and I'm applicant #(1903)!
username: exokristao
name: JR 
activity level: 9
character name: Byun Baekhee
nickname(s): bambi - cause her eyes looks like one. and her hyper side reaminds her bers friend remind her of a bambi - her best friend.
birthdate: 14 february 1993
age: 20
birthplace: Seoul 
hometown: Seoul
ethnicity: Full Korean 
languages: Korean (fluent), English (basic, but she has a good pronounciation) - because of school.
ulzzang name: Baek Su Min 
back up ulzzang name: Lee Dasom
style: she always wear her bambi necklace because for her it brings good fortune. 
others: She has piercing on each ears for earrings. 
She's dorky
like really really.
When you first saw her you might think that she's a lady-like person and also a princess-kind-of-one. But trust me, she's not. 
She's the opposite of lady-like and princess-like. 
She's really dorky, she likes to do funny dances and kkab dance out of nowhere and then laugh at it afterwards, and she will still laugh even though no one laugh along. Her laugh are really loud, and also high-pitched. /nods
She also like to hide people things, and also a troll. When they asked what grade she got she often reply with "A" and when she makes her friend envy she screamed. "I'm Just Keddengs". She's also a crazy one, she have no shame, and she also like to make funny faces. Wait not funny faces, ugly faces. She hates math to death, and not good at memorizing studies either, just say she's dumb. But suprisingly, she always surpasses tests. She always claps her hands when she laugh, making more attention.
she's a er for cakes.
when she saw a invisible fridge filled with cakes (in stores) she will spend no time to hug it before buying. while saying.
"Cake you're my destiny i wuf you"
making all of her friends face-palmed. despite her good personality, everyone have a bad side rite? ouo. When no one wants to buy her things that she wanted, she will sulked and ignore all of poeple for a day. Even when they talk to her she won't listen.
and when she's angry, she will shouted words to the bad guy and no one can stop her, she's not ashamed, she thought that he/she deserved that words. She also a type that will be annoyed when you disturbed her when she's in her serious state, she will give you her famous glare without saying anything. 
so people thinks that annoying her was fun. 
And she will be extremly pissed and angry when you took her cake away from her. 
her un-lady like came from the way she eats and the way her room is. Her room is a mess and she didn't bother to clean it because she's lazy. And the way she eats is really messy, if she eat cakes you will see crumbs on and table. 
she's also a person that will be easily hurt on the heart but never show it on her outer. She didn't like it when someone saw her being sad or cry.
well maybe that's it.
but that personality changes when she hold her violin. 
all her dorky and crazy aura will be gone once she played the violin, she will closed her eyes and fly away with music. To her, music is another way to express their feelings to another, if she didn't be one with the melody, then she can't transferred the meaning to the listener. 
persona: Valentine's baby 
  • she's scared of blood. 
  • her favorite food is ddeokboekki and other spicy things
  • she likes sweets such as cakes and candies
  • she don't like bugs
  • her favorite colour is white
  • she always wear the swan bracelet her brother gave her
  • never had a boyfriend before
  • she lives with her mom in her old house before her brother's leave
Byun Daehyun | 23 | now working at the byun's company | brother | Persistent, protective, loving, caring.
Byun Hana | 45 | Still working at the byun's company | mother | Loving, delicate, caring.
Byun Minho | 47 | The head of byun's company | father | Tough guy, selfish, stubborn.
Song Juhee (Alice) | 21 | student at cheongsan | the only person in the school that earned Baekhee's trust, and it's because Alice never judge her and still befriended with her even though she's practically a loner | Fun, Outgoing.
rival(s): Yoon Sohee - Sohee is a complete , but because of her acting skills, she always appeared to be sweet in front of other people but Baekhee. She always act like a sweet innocent in front of other people especially boys. Why is she her rival? because, Sohee always make Baekhee the 'bad girl', once, she purposely stained her shirt with her drink and blamed Baekhee for it.
And Sohee always wanted to make Baekhee's life a living hell because she noticed that her crush always follows Baekhee everywhere.
love interest: Baekhyun
history: Baekhyun is Baekhee's childhood friend. They used to play together from morning till night, since they're also neighbours. But when they turned 6, Baekhee have to move out from her house to another one, since her father said that their current house is too far from the office. Both of them are beyond sad, but they couldn't do anything, right?
Baekhyun always wanted to meet Baekhee again, but he didn't have her contac so did his parents. 
But i think, fate decided to go with them.
Baekhyun swore, he saw Baekhee strolling around the school's hallway he's attending. But then there's something that makes him frown.
Baekhee looks so dead, and she looks kind of cold and arrogant, unlike she used to be in the past. The glow in her eyes are gone, replace with an ice and cold eyes. Baekhyun didn't know what happened to her, but he detemined to make the old Baekhee return.
relationship: On the first day, Baekhyun tried to introduce himself to her, hoping Baekhee will reconized him from the past. But to his dissapointment, Baekhee didn't speak and just leave him with his hand hanging.
He feels quite sad, but who to blame? Baekhee moved out when they're 6, of course she's forgot. He always tried to make Baekhee comfortable with him like they used to, But Baekhee is kind of annoyed by his presence.
After a few weeks, Baekhee finally accept him to be on her side, Baekhyun is happy, but it doesn't mean that the old Baekhee is back. So he still have a lot of things he should do.
  • Baekhyun and Baekhee's 'relationship' (That i wrote in the 'relationship' section)
  • When Sohee accused her for something she didn't do and make fun of her in front of a lot of people, she cried and went to the rooftoop while raining. Baekhyun came up and comforted her.
  • Baekhee and Baekhyun's date
backup love interest: Park Chanyeolo
division: Musician Division
class requests: Music history 
audition tape:  
reason for wanting to attend cheongsan: Musician, it's what his brother always wanted. And his dream, become Baekhee's dream too. She attend the university to study, and to make her's and Daehyun's dreams come true.
specialty: she's good at making new arrangement to songs that's already exist. She also like to compose songs and write the lyrics. 
history: As i was saying before, she learned Guitar with her brother at the age of 15, and she fell in love with it. But then her father decided to take her brother with him. So, Mrs. Byun decided to look for guitar lessons, and she found a place called "Yamaha" and because of her daughter constant begging, her mom agreed and let her enter.
After a few months, her teacher sees a talent in Baekhee. It's not only because she likes to play guitar, it's because she love it. She had the soul, if she play guitar songs the emotions in the song will be tranferred to the audience. So they decided to put Baekhee in one of their concert and the audience are clapping wildly, from that day Baekhee had always perform on "yamaha's concert and always get a positive feedbacks.
story: Baekhee doesn't have any friends beside Alice, but she didn't care. As long as they didn't bother her. Alice took Drama division so they were on different class. Baekhee always sat alone in the class, she's a loner, no one wanted to be friended with her. But she's diligent and responsible so the teacher likes her. When the teacher told them to work in pairs, Baekhee will always be the last one to be paired, and the other person will be annoyed. 
But she always thinks that it was okay, she didn't come here to make friends anyway, she came here to study. But then, something came, a guy from Voice Division that follows her everywhere. She always thought that he look similar, but she thought that it was only her imagination. 
After a few weeks, she began to feel comfortable with the guy named Baekhyun, and uknown to him, she always feel happy when the guy stayed beside her. She always tried to deny her feelings for the guy, but what she didn't know is that Baekhyun also likes her.
questions: Can i have 2 audition tapes?
comments: i really love this ideaaa <3 and thankyou for waiting for me :) and i choose guitar because i play guitar and yeah xD So, ciao! :)~ anyway, i got inspiration from 'swans' such as swan lake xD
anything else: baekhyunismine  password : 



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