Writing Hiatus in July, What I've Been Doing This Month

I thought it was great that I was able to write 3 fics last month of June.


Unfortunately, July isn't a good month for me.  A lot of bad things happened which took a huge part of my free time to do the things I want, so sadly, it looks like I wouldn't be able to write anything this month... unless I come up with something this week but I doubt that.  Though I have ideas in my head, I just don't feel like writing as of the moment.


So what have I been doing with my little free time?

1.) I've been downloading ebooks that are... well.. ~ hehehe

2.) I've been reading, and to be honest, I'm not much of a fast reader.  The ones, I tend to read fast, but then again, they're not as long as most books.  They're quite short actually.

-A Limited Engagement by Josh Lanyon ( and finished)

-Steamroller by Mary Calmes ( and finished and is so becoming one of my favorites <3 even though it's fast-paced but hey, even the character himself said it was fast-paced XD)

-Once a Brat by Kim Dare ( and finished.  If you're into Dominant/Submissive, Master/Slave type of stories, this one is definitely for you~)

-Rot and Ruin by Jonathan Maberry (zombie and finished)

-Dust and Decay by Jonathan Maberry (still currently reading)


What else... I revived my "not-so-artistic" nail art skills...

The sides of the nailsand my fingers are still a bit of a mess, but I cleaned that up after taking the picture.  I don't know why I just felt taking a picture first and not cleaning it up first @_@ I'm weird that way I suppose~


I went back to playing "I Love Coffee"  and  "Wind Runner"  which are both Line games, but I'm not addicted as much as I was before.  With Wind Runner, I play only twice or thrice.  


I was able to watch 2 episodes of Running Man  and  Death Race 2 movie and also watching some EXO and BAP variety shows w/ eng subs.  This isn't really much compared to how many movies and episodes in whatever series I watched last month @_@ (that would be Arrow Season 1 and all 3 season of Walking Dead and so many movies)


Luckily, there are so many awesome comebacks in Kpop, so I'm happy to be watching new MVs.  Haven't really watched live performances yet though~ sigh~


I'm still around AFF, reading very few fics and some blogs and replying to comments.  Just that I haven't been writing or updating~ Sigh~


Lastly, here's my cute dog, Takgu~ I just learned yesterday that he actually knows how to swim when I saw him swimming in the flood behind my house.  It's cool but... well... he's dirty afterwards X_X


So that's just about it, because I ain't gonna talk about the bad things that happened.


Oh and I feel like replying to the Suicide Diary thingy in affconfessions, but I feel like by doing it, the issue is just going to open and get bigger, so I'll leave it alone, I guess.


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omo~ when you mentioned about the 'flood', i suddenly thought, you're from Philippines? hahaha. and i was right! and you know how to do nailart? envy~~
I have i love coffee
Can i add you on it?
Okay the nailart is so cool. XD and your doggy looks so squishyyyyy...xD
Hope everything gets better :3 Love your nails, it looks much better than what I could have down. Awww you're doggy's really cute^^
Awww I love your nails :3 okay we can wait!
I never knew there are books going round so I'm happy!!!!! Oh and you have a nice nail structure - not the nail art (which I looooove anyway) - but the shape of the nail. Okay I'm a er for beautiful hands and nail shapes so I know what to appreciate. I appreciate your nail shape very much! That should be taken as a compliment. Hehe. Well to be honest I miss your fics but I hardly read M rated and apart from Min pairings I don't read so I really miss you...
eeeeeeeeeeeep!! your dog is sooooo adorable!!
-nice nailart too, jishu kkkkkkkkk