Explain to this Keeper in plain simple words, how using the different privacy options equates to writing for the sake of gaining subscribers


Explain to me how marking one's stories 'member access only' equates to writing for the sake of gaining subscribers. 

I use this setting for all my fics. It only means you must be logged in here to gain access to my stories. It means my fics are exclusive to AFF users. Are you telling me that I am expecting non-AFFers to create an account here just to subscribe to my story? This is another layer to keep my stories safe. Just like how you have to log in Soompi to read any of their fics. So am I writing them then for the sake of gaining subscribers when those who can't access them can't even subscribe?


How about 'friends only' and writing for the sake of gaining subscribers?

You don't even get lots of subscribers this way. I mean, if you are like me, who doesn't really add random people or subscribers, the most I could get would be five. Perhaps, the writers who use this setting are intimidated at first, so they want to try it out with a fewer individuals who knows them and who they are comfortable with. Or they simply want to enjoy the process with friends, sharing their stories within their little circle. Yes, we publish stories to share but we can decide who to share it with. And it's fun to do it with friends.

A popular author locked her stories because people are plagiarizing her works. So, it could also be another layer of protection because you trust your friend not to copy your fic. But even friends plagiarize friends' fics. [I know 2].


Then, 'subscribers only' and writing for the sake of gaining subscribers?

A lot has expressed their dislike with this setting. I admit, at first, it really gave off that impression. The need to secure subscribers to a fic. You like to read this, subscribe. Tell you what, subscribe to the story and check it out, if you don't like it, unsubscribe. Easy right? And don't concern yourself with how that author might feel. Author doesn't mind unsubscribing unlike some. 

I mean why would you not subscribe to a story you like to read? I have seen numerous blogs here asking readers to help them find this fic blah blah, they liked it very much but didn't subscribe or even bookmark it OTL

It prevents lurkers. At least the authors know that those subscribed to her fic are readers. Well, it's not definite coz subscriber doesn't really equate to reader. They could stay subscribed but not read the story anymore. But it limits these type of user.

My gallery is subscriber-locked. It's better that I know who views them lol A friend told me that she saw one of my gifs somewhere not in my account and I you know how I don't like people taking what is mine without permission. I even have a warning. I shouldn't even have this problem with the gallery coz my manips aren't that great.


Let's add the latest here: 'invitation only' and writing for the sake of gaining subscribers.

An author can only send up to 25 invites. That's the most number of subscribers you'll get, if everyone accepted your invite and subscribed. Writers who are working on a serious project that enlists the help of specific people without making it visible to the whole world will find this useful. Or if one just wants want to share it with a group of her friends.  




So explain to me how using the features the boss created is associated with writing for the sake of gaining subscribers. He named it privacy options too.


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I tried to think of a logical explanation....
And failed.
Maybe having limitations on a fic boosts curiosity and therefore more subs?
leficklerabbit #2
Sub only fics has become more of my avoid always fics.
Most of the time, the story's rubbish...
Marianations #3
World, why can't you have 56873227890 keepers more ?
I locked some of my fics to subscribers only mainly because I'm not proud of those fics but feel bad to delete because there might be some subscribers that really like it and want to read again. Setting a fic to subscribers only doesn't gain a fic more subscribers. Sure, some silent readers would subscribe, but what about the new readers?
That's what I'm trying to achieve by setting the fics for subscribers only. For people to think twice to subscribe and I hope that they wouldn't subscribe because fewer people would subscribe to a fic with no access to see how the writing is like.

And true. People can unsubscribe.
hahahah. you know two, eh? i locked mine to firneds only beacuse i fnd it hard to let people that i dont know that i am writing. its my little secret. and if i open up my stories for the whole world to read, it scares me!
I made a blog about this before, although it's aimed for a certain community (TaeNy shippers). Most of us have problem with subscribers only because it IS for the sake of gaining subs. I have responses from the authors who did this and all of them are weak, like "it's fun" and "others did that so I do too". Other authors and readers stated that they scroll past these subs only fics, most reasoned because they must know what the story is about/how well the writer write first (just foreword is not enough) before subscribing and unsubscribing makes them feel bad.
The worst thing about it? The senior, well-known authors are the one doing it, despite the fact that they have tons of subs already. So it does feel like they are, in a way, forcing the readers to make account (if they haven't had one) AND subs to them to read their well-known good stories. Now if that is not for the sake of gaining subscribers, then I don't know anymore.

What concern me the most right now is, how can we keep an eye on pictures, plagiarism, violence, explicit rap3, and pedo stories with this whole privacy settings? Even without it, the story readers rarely report any fic because they like it, they don't mind, and they don't want it to be taken down. It's the non-fans who take notice and report it, they obviously won't sub/befriend an author just to find fault in his/her stories. Then how? Should we just let these offences happen freely, hidden savely behind the privacy settings?

All Hail TaeNy~