Baby I'm So Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely Lonely

It's official. Out of all of my friends, I'm the only one not in a relationship.

They come around me being all lovey dovey and it makes me feel empty inside. :(

I'm sorry, I just needed to get this off my chest *sigh*


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I'm sure one day you'll ride into the sunset with your prince charming! Maybe he's having a hard time dangling on a vine to get to the top of your tower. That's probably why you haven't meet him yet! Keke now you know how cheesy I can be :) I hope I made you a teensy bit happier! ^^ It's best to smile and show the world that it's their lost to not see someone so pretty. I've seen your pic and ,yes, you're pretty ;D
hyeinee #2
i've been in a relationship before too...
it's not at all like you would expect from my experieces...