A-Z Questions

A: Availability (Single, Taken, Married, etc.)
B: Birthday
June 21
C: Crushing on
Kris Wu
D: Drink you had last
Apple Juice
E: Easiest person(s) to talk to
Nini and Aijing my two beautiful cousins
F: Favourite song(s)
Wolf EXO, Avril Lavigne Keep Holding On, Star Jay Park, Call You Mine Kris, Baby Don't Cry,Heart Attack, Don't Go, Baby EXO, And One Taeyeon
G: Grossest memory
Uhhh don't let me start please... Many actually...But what if I say I drank a hot coco with a baby cockroach in it? Yeah gross
H: Hometown
It's a nice place. Peace but not so quiet
I: In love with
T-T Kris Wu Yifan
J: Jealous of
es who got the chance to stay close with Wufan
K: Killed someone
Mentally? Multiple of times
L: Longest friendship
Since I'm born until now :)
M: Milkshake flavor
Strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, warermelon
N: # of siblings
4 == include me
O: 1 wish
For me to be able to live happily with Kris forever and never had an ending T-T
P: Person you last called
Nini and Aijing T-T i miss them
Q: ?'s you always ask
What's wrong with you?! 
R: Reason to smile
Nini and Aijing are here with me in this world and we share one beautiful dream together and Kris... Kris give me hope actually
S: Song last listened to
Tears Airport Lay
T: Time you woke up
Around 10 am-12 pm
U: Underwear color
Green ohmygod why
V: Violent moment you had
when I kicked someone who had a crush on me until he cry and broke my brother's arm twice and push my friends from the stairs and across the roads with many cars but save them back? Hmmm...... take note pls My middle name is sadistic
W: Worst habit
X: X-rays you had
Never had before
Y: Your last time you cried
Last night or 22 hours ago
Z: Zodiac sign
GemiCer hmmm... you guys think 21 June is a Gemini or Cancer? i'm confused


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You're a Gemini ^^ Gemini ends on your birthday and Cancer stars the next day so definitely Gemini.