「 ‹ ⋆cяʏsᴛᴀʀ ⋆ › ≣ Oh Joo Hyun 」


  Oh Joo Hyun 

‹ the basics 

‹ behind it all 
username: Skatpree
activeness: 9 
what can we call you?: umm... Skatpree

‹ hello there, angel from my nightmare 
korean name: Joo Hyun
english name: Julie
chinese name: Jing Hao
nicknames: Joo (all friends because it's her stage name and it's short for Joo Hyun), Hyunnie (love interest because it sounds like Honey and he wants to get on her nerves and doesn't want to call her what everyone else calls her. P.S- She hates honey)  

age: 18
birthday: 25th August
birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea
hometown: Shanghai, China
height: 168 cm
weight: 52 kg

ethnicity: Half Korean-Chinese
languages: Chinese (fluent, because she lived in China), Korean (fluent, spoke it at home with her mother), English (broken, learnt in school) 

‹ i feel pretty, oh so pretty 
ulzzang name: Kim Seuk Hye
picture links: Gallery

back-up ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui
picture links: Gallery

style: {either description,pictures or both.}
     casual: 1 2 3
     training: 1 2 3
     sleepwear: 1 2 3
     formal: 1 2 3
     acessories: 1 2 3



‹ the real business 

‹ if you only knew 

Joo Young is a sweet, happy-go-lucky girl; nothing can seem to rain on her parade. She always has her infectious smile plastered on her face and rarely complains. She's smart, especially dring school time. But...even though she may know all the important dates in history and memorised all the fomulae in Maths, she's still a naive and innocent girl, obvlivious to all the other facts and dangers about the world. Despite her naive nature, she is quite skilled with people and with just one look, she'll know whether there's something wrong with them and try to help due to her mature attitude. Joo Young's definately the person her friends come to for advice. She's more of a giver, if she knows someone has a problem she'll want to help. Despite her excellent comforting skills, she tends to neglect her own inner feelings. It's like she pushes her feelings to the side so she can make enough room to help someone else deal with their problems instead. Her words usually come off blunt and insensitive, especially when she's annoyed, but she does try to control it and think over her words carefully...but it's like the words just tumble out unconciously! She doesn't like burdening people so she smiles through everything, even pain and sadness and she likes being relied on. If she sets her mind to things, she'll become the most determined person ever and once she becomes determined to do something, she won't stop until she's done it. Joo Young only looks one way; towards the future. She doesn't look back and wallow in her regrets and disappointments because she believes everything will be OK in the end. When she's thinking about hte future, she is optimistic and runs towards it at full speed, unafraid or maybe even obvlivious of the setbacks that may come her way. She may always be smiling brightly and playing with her friends, but when it comes to practicing, she's a completely different person! She has a straight face when concentrating on her work and tries her hardest, no matter how tired she is. Dancing isn't exactly what she's most good at and learnnig new dances may challenge her, but she doesn't give up or get disheartened and often adds on extra practice hours so she can learn it properly.



  • not the best dancer ever
  • blunt and to-the-point
  • short tempered 


  • ducks
  • blowing bubbles
  • photography
  • singing
  • sweetpea (flower) 
  • horror movies


  • snobby people
  • arguments
  • getting yelled at
  • running
  • hard dance routines
  • waking up in the middle of night


  • horse riding
  • reading
  • singing


  • biting her lips (chewing, peeling etc)
  • going straight to the toilet after waking up
  • drools in her sleep


  • messing up on stage and letting her members down
  • blood


  • obsessed with ducks
  • even if she's younger than most boys, she still acts like she's their noona
  • she can't stand strong perfume smells
  • 5 is her favourite number
  • red is her favourite colour
  • went crazy when she saw a drawing of 5 red ducks 
  • thinks honey is disgusting


‹ where you came, no shame 
history: Ever since she was younger, Joo Young had always been pampered by her family. She was an only child and the pride of her family. When she grew up, her parents always wanted her to be a doctor and brainwashed orienteered her life so that one days he could be a dotor. But...after an accident when she was 7, she became afraid of blood, even looking at a picture of it made her want to throw up. She never had an interest in being a doctor either, her mind was always filled with music, she'd never do anything without having her headphones in. She'd always expressed her desire to be a singer, but her parents would start yelling at her to think about reality; she had to be a doctor. She loved singing and music more than anything on earth, but she didn't want to disappoint her parents...She worked hard in school, but at the same time she secretly audiitoned for companies, if she got in she'd prove to her parents she had the talent to be a singer. 

     Mother || Seo HaYoung || 32|| House wife || Nice, Caring, Sweet || Slightly awkward, but Joo Hyun knows she cares 
|| asleep


 Father || Oh Hwan Hee || 40|| Dentist || Workaholic, Cold, Ties to be a good father || Awkward, but tries to make their relationship better || asleep

‹ the people 

‹ lost without you 
best friend: 
   Yoon Bomi || 19 || Idol || Cute, bubbly, sweer || Inseperabe, Always chatting and laughing together || alive

 Jung Jinyoung || 20 || idol || cool, caring, playboyish || always teasing each other|| alive


‹ hate to love, love to hate 
rival:  Bang Min Ah || 19 || idol || y, self centered, thinks she's the best}
why are you rivals: She always thinks she's a better singer than Minah and talks down to her
how you act around each other: Joo Hyun tries to ignore her, but Minah is persistent

‹ the one&only 

‹ dodge the dating ban 
love interest: Byun Baekhyun
label & group: SM/EXO

personality: Baekhyun is the regular happy-go-lucky, sweet, gentleman. He's smiling and laughing litterarly 24/7 and is very attentive, he remembers every small detail (as long as the person means enough to him). He's not very good at controlling his emotions and you can always read him like a book; his expression says it all. If anyone ever rubs him the wrong way and gets him angry, he won't yell and shout like most other people, he'll be even more scarier. He won't talk and have this 'I'm pissed' look in his eyes; one glance would be enough to kill you. Good thing he can't hold a grudge, but he does stay mad until his anger goes away, which can take up to 2 weeks unless the person apologizes sincerily 0.0 You know when he starts caring for you, when he starts to get worried a lot and involving himself with the person more, it's inevitable as he's not very good at being subtle. He isn't really the type to apologize, even though he likes it when people apologize to him -__-, but if he does somethign wrong then apologizes sincerely, you'll knew he cares. Heck, you'll know you're special just by looking at his face. If he likes someone, he'll stare 24/7. Despite his seemingly sweet and cute personality, he can't exactly go around saying he is
innocent...in fact when he gets realy comfortable with someone, he does skinship unknowingly (even if he like the girl) and often says slightly erted comments. 

how you met: Never really met. Joo Hyun was a SM trainee and Baekhyun always paid special attention to her ever since accidently stumbling into her practice room while she was singing. Ever since then, he's been watching as she walks by in the halls and while she practices. Joo Young also really likes EXO and admires Baekhyun, but she likes Luhan more ^^.

how you act around each other: Slightly awkward at first but then they get closer and enjoy messing around with each other. He often does a lot of skinship with her but she doesn't really care because they're close. He also likes teasing her...a lot

back up love interest: Park Chanyeol

label & group: SM/EXO


how you met: 
how you act around each other:


‹ the fame 

‹ i'm the greatest star 
how did you get into training?: scouted on the streets of Shanghai
how many years have you been training?: 4 years
how were your trainee days?: rough but she carried on and worked hard because she loved singing

stage name: Joo
position: main vocal, lead rapper, dancer
persona: the giver
fanclub: Ducklings
fanclub color: red

singing twin: Taeyeon
rapping twin: CL
dancing twin: Tiffany

social networking sites: twitter, facebook, instagram, tumblr


‹ the farewell 

‹ i'm getting good at saying goodbye 
suggestions: N/A
comments: N/A
scene requests:

  • Baekhyun helps her with dancing. 
  • Luhan tries to make a move on her and Baekhyun's all NOOO
  • Physical/Verbal fight with Minah
  • Baekhyun is secretly listening to Joo Hyun singing in her practice room with his ear pressed against the door. Joo Hyun opens the door and he falls in.
  • They go on weekly idol and do random dance play, but Joo Hyun doesn't do very well and gets embarassed because she's not very good at dancing. 

password: keke laughed so much, I only saw it this morning 


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