Not sure if this is too personal to post but...

i just found out that it's that time of the month and I am literally dying. It's 3:05am and I went to the bathroom and now I can't sleep because of the pain. AHHHH. 

Will someone send me some fluff or something? I don't want to walk downstairs to heat up my heating pad. And apparently drinking water helps. Well, my legs feel like they're gonna fall off and runaway. 

I'm gonna drown in my mixed emotions.

this is the point in life where we ask ourselves why being a girl is so hard. I hate this, usually it doesn't hurt this much. Ugh. 

I'm probably dehydrated that's why. 


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aisssh #1
my friend says not to eat too much so it will ease the pain? .-. take some pills or smth
I know you posted this several hours ago, but I hope you feel better! D:
Whenever you have that monthly pain, drink lots of water, and take anti-inflammatory medicine (e.g., Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen) as soon as possible! Both of those should help with any cramping/soreness you're feeling.