heechul look like a girl

hey everyone guess what i've been reading hanchul fanfic and there's a picture of heechul and hankyung 

then my grandma saw it and you know what she says she said

" ooohhh what a sweet couple and the girl is really pretty " 

OMG she thought heechul is a girl so when she left i laugh really hard until i fell from my sofa 


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heenim is too beautiful to be a boy as well as too handsome to be a girl~~bipolar cinderella~~
prose-from-a-potato #2
...My friend thought that Teo from Lunafly was a girl, and then I said, "You wanna see what Korean male can be a very convincing girl?" Then we got her sister to believe Heechul was a girl for a minute. Priceless. :)
Yup!! I think he makes a pretty girl xD
Haha. My mom actually thinks that all KPOP idols are girls. Especially Super Junior. Dunno why. But they still support me when I say that my boyfriends are Korean. Haha. :-D
My mom and dad also thought that Heenim is a girl. They thought Heenim, Wookie and Minnie are girls. They are so confused because they know that SJ are boys. They even asks me one time when I'm watching super show on TV about SJ having girl members. I told them that Heenim, Minnie and Wookie are not girls and they were like (⊙o⊙)?...then they told me "How come they are so pretty?" Kkkkkkk really funny
lol when does that not happen? people always think Heechul look like a girl