My nonsense thoughts

SUMMER.. isn't good for our health, right..?? *raised my own eyebrows* i liked WINTER the most.. *sighed*

Suddenly, my lazziness came, without i'm knowing it.. *pouted*

Please, PARDON me with my nonsense thoughts that came from nowhere..kekeke~

i need to write a chapter for "an embarassing day ever" . Maybe, it's the last before i leave ff for continuing my study in Chemical engineering. 

OHHHH......!!!! all of a sudden, i think.. "why should i go to university in the early age of mine..??" 

*shook my own head* i'm still not ready yet.. *sighed*


suddenly, i thoughts, i want to go to ASIA like philiphines, thailand, indonesia, malaysia.. keke~ i've to ask my parents as soon as possible before my break end..




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cutey_girl #1
i think, i like both.. summer and winter.. keke~ i want to follow you too..!!! *pouted* but i've school..!! i want to be clever like you, unnie..
fighting..!!! my beloved unnie (^!^)
ohh.. unnie, you want to come to asia..?? i'm from malaysia.. i proud to be your guides.. haha~
#3 from philippines Unnie..keke :)) but i like in Korea
i'm from Malaysia, but i wished i was born in somewhere in west...