( Romantic&Idol;♡ ) — { Jung Ji Ae }

( Romantic&Idol;)


He's like a drug for you, { Jung Ji Ae }.


  ♔이름이 뭐예요?

Username: AliceHwang1

Profile Link:

What should I call you? Alice

Activity: 9


   ♔Cinderella, I am looking for you.

Full name: Park Chom Yeon

Nickname: AJ / Jinny  

Birthday Girl: { 18/08/1994 | 18

Blood Type: A

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean ( Fluent ) / English ( Semi-Fluent ) / Mandarin ( Basic ) / Japanese ( Basic )


   ♔Peter Pan, notice me please.

Idol/Face-claim name: Seo Johyun

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up Idol/Face-claim name: Bae Suzy

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Style: The style is very feminine Chomi. She likes to wear dresses and never pantry the heels, but at home she usually wears sneakers, slippers or is barefoot. She has a very modern style and loves to update her wardrobe, but she also likes simple clothes, but it has to be at least somewhat stylish. 

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3

Housewear: 1 | 2 | 3


Just take me away like 1,2,3

Stage name: AJ

Persona: The Lovely Bubbly

Group name: Cherry Girls

Group position: Triple Threat

Group background: Chomi, besides being in a group, it is also a famous actress who has done many dramas and also cfs. The group in which it is, consists of 9 girls and she is the Triple Threat of Group. 

Company: SM Entertainment

Debut date: 05/08/2013

Debut Song: The boys 

Latest Song: I got a boy

Scandals: ----


My first kiss went a little like this.


Ji Ae is a very cheerful girl and super agitated, which can be very childish, the day she is sad, one day is quite rare. The fact is that she simply does not let anyone or anything spoil the joy she feels. Her jokes and pranks can amuse everyone, and she loves it, knowing that people like her for her sense of humor and also for her to be herself, which makes her happy. So Ji Ae is always up to something new, even more when it gets too quiet. And even without making jokes, people laugh with her, Ji Ae is very clumsy and it already did spend a lot of shame. She usually is falling or dropping things almost everywhere she goes. But if you think she is shy or embarrassed in front of others, you're wrong, she laughs herself and even tells jokes about herself to others, making everyone enjoy themselves enough with their stories.

Even that sometimes does not want to, she is a talkative girl. When she starts talking, often have to be interrupted because she talks too fast and causing people do not understand very well what she is talking about. She also often speaks through stupid things without thinking, making the move a little embarrassed because of it, but she does not care because Ji Ae has always been the kind of girl who does not care about the opinion of others but to her . When people look for Ji Ae, fail to realize, well, until they can, but not very suspicious. The fact is that Ji Ae is a very spoiled girl who always gets everything she wants, at the time she want, and if she can not? Well, she just will do anything to get it, just that she is not the type of person who will go over the other, she uses other types of "secret weapons". An example is his aegyo, nobody can really resist her aegyo, and for this reason, it is more use to get what she wants. Some people like their friends, have become accustomed to it and can resist all that cuteness she uses, but people who not know it just fall for her angelic face.

She really likes to act innocent in front of others, even if she is not as innocent as shown. She likes to spend a cute image and beautiful for everyone, so that people think she is naive, and this is something that it simply is not. Ji Ae not falls into the joke of others easily, so people who want to play with she, always get bad. Therefore, she always says it's a good actress and could make many films. Is she a girl who brags too much, and because of this can sometimes be hated by some. Ji Ae is really competitive, it has to win at everything and losing is not in their vocabulary, or that she has to cheat, she will win. And maybe then rub in the face of those who lost as well, but that's not the case. Another thing about Ji Ae, is that she loves to eat, and is much envied by some girls because of her beautiful body, she even coma for five people, she simply is not fattening easily so having a beautiful body to envy in many girls, well, maybe the only thing fat on her, are her cheeks are really cute.

A girl very lazy defines exactly Ji Ae. Wow, she is laziness in person, can sleep for a whole day, she can stay without waking up at least once, and almost never do their tasks, their parents often have to blackmail her very much for her to do something house. Well, can not blame her, a person who grows with employees who do everything for her, will simply be lazy. Even if she is lazy even to do their homework with a teacher mother, she takes very high grades in school, leaving her parents proud of her as well. Ji Ae, is quite dreamy and often fails to pay attention to something, it is always dreaming, she believes in fairy tales, and always dreams of her prince charming. Ji Ae does not let anyone take it away from your head and make her believe it's a lie. Besides being a very hopeful, she is a girl super stubborn. As a girl who hates to lose, she will insist the person to death. She'll never admit you're wrong, even if it is. And if the person continues with her stubborn, sure Ji Ae will be very angry or even upset.

When she is angry, she can punch someone or something strongly, or even throwing objects in random places without worrying if it will hurt someone or not. And when she is upset with someone, she tends to ignore the person for a long time. Even for a small thing, Ji Ae will not give cakewalk for anyone. For this reason, she can defend very well who she really loves, with that, she makes many friends. She just hates when someone hurts someone she loves and if it happens, Ji Ae becomes a very vindictive and aggressive, and can do things without thinking, but your friends always manage to calm her down. Anyway ... Ji Ae is a different girl, and with a very good heart.

Background: AJ was born in Incheon, with a very loving family. Her parents always gave all the good and the better for it, without letting anything missing. When she was 5 years old, she and her parents returned for Seoul, because her mother was a teacher, and her father owned a large company. Its very normal childhood, she has always been a girl of many friends, since she has never been shy to talk to strangers, she was always very friendly with people, so have many friends. Since small AJ dreams of fairy tale, she always wanted a princicipe delighted as her boyfriend. This made her never having a boyfriend, because she always wanted a boy perfect and we all know that nobody is perfect. But now, it is not as demanding as before, but dreams of a fairytale prince.

When she was 12 years old, an age at which children already want to move over to your PC or mobile phone, she saw many videos of songs, it was there that his passion for music began to be born. AJ began to sing and dance songs of kpop groups. Her parents saw how she was enjoying this and would wait until she was 13 years old and leaving her to audition tainee in some company. But meanwhile, they they put her in an art school, where she learned many things, such as acting, singing, dancing and even rapping. In her 13 years, her parents began looking for companies that were doing tests, and found the SM. They spoke to her, and of course AJ was excited, she trained quite what would the auditions and prayed enough for her to turn at least a trainee. AJ never been a girl to get nervous about things, but on the day she was taking the test, her heart was almost out the mouth, she was so nervous. Just thinking that if she walked in SM even if it was as a trainee, she'd be one step closer to realizing their dream. Although nervous, she did her test with a lot of talent and after much anxious waiting, she received the news that had turned trainee. She was very happy and their parents too, but they made her promise that even turning trainee, she would always have to study hard and get good grades in school. And so, even though she was busy training, never stopped studying and very proud parents. 


  • Family
  • Candy
  • Eating
  • Sleeping
  • Fairytale


  • Fake people
  • Bossy people
  • Vegetable
  • Cats
  • Cry


  • Photography
  • Drawing
  • Singins
  • Dancing
  • Rap


  • Biting lips.
  • Walking from one side to the other when she is nervous or anxious.
  • Throw objects when she gets irritated or even punch someone.
  • Waking up in the night to eat food from the refrigerator. 
  • Talking in her sleep


  • Height
  • Dark
  • Death
  • Clown


  • Has a dog called Glimmer.
  • Like of bears, and always sleeps with a teddy bear, which she gave the name Chocobear, because he is brown.
  • Is allergic to shrimp so often go without eating Korean food, which usually has shrimp.
  • She loves eating American food and often go to McDonalds to eat.
  • She always takes her camera to where she is, to take selcas and photos of several things like landscapes.
  • She is very flexible and was called "Elastic Girl" by her friends.
  • Loves the colors pink and blue.
  • She loves to eat chocolate and she says that if she could only eat chocolate for the rest of her life, but is usually required to stay away from them, by getting very agitated when she eats.
  • What does she like to eat, is burger. She can eat 2 hamburgers integers without getting full.


Meet me by the moonlight.

When you're in love: AJ a girl gets a little jealous and often ends up giving many signs, but never the boy knew she was in love. She is very dreamy, and tends to dream about the boy all the time, and almost never focuses on what she is doing. She also tends to look for the boy, hidden of course, and if he looks at her, she simply disguises and looks away. Shows much care and affection for the boy and sometimes even uses skinship. 

When you're sad/hurt: When she is sad, she is often crying in his corner, without letting anyone see. But if she is hurt because of someone else, it tends to ignore the person until that person apologize or do something big for her, like giving food. But usually when she is sad, she is a girl sentimental, watching sad movies and listening to sad songs. 

When you're happy/excited: AJ is always cheerful. So when she is happy, she turns into a bustling and lively girl. Always making jokes and telling jokes. Generally, it is always something new, so everyone has fun with it enough. She always encourages everyone, with only his captivating smile.

Ideal type: AJ want someone different from her, be calm, so that he always keep everything calm and soothe her. But it can also be very funny and very fun to play her. A boy who understands her and above all respect as it should.  ....
Luhan ( Exo )
CNU ( B1A4 )
Zelo ( B.A.P )
Suho ( Exo )
Kris ( Exo )
Jinyoung ( B1A4 )

Favourite band: Exo


Tonight, we'll live while we're young.

Ideal first date location: theme park | movie date | weekly idol | guerilla date | forest adventure 

Ideal song for song selection: Begin with kiss - ZE:A

Ideal necklace for necklace selection:  

Choose a shirt: second

first date or last date? First Date

your thoughts about romantic&idol: To be honest, I've never seen this program, but by what you put foreword, seems pretty interesting. I'm already looking captioned videos, since I'm Brazilian, I see quite difficult programs, because they are always subtitled in English. Anyway ... I think really cool they lay idols together, is a different thing, seems WGM, but I do not know which is better. 


Happily ever after 

comments: Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. Anyway, I hope you like me. ^.^

suggestions: None ^.^

scene requests: I'll be fine with what you do. 


 Cutee *ooo*



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